11 / 369
Jan 2019

I think the overall consensus is that if you have a big following on webtoons it's probably not worth switching over as an exclusive comic on webcomic app, however if you have a smaller following or are new, then you might take the plunge.

Thank you for your answers, Guys! Glad to hear there is some creators already involved with them and no fishy stories so far.
My comic is definitely slower on the romance side, too @Pandastrophic . I´d agree that it looks like they are trying to expand their "Portfolio".
I´ll get in contact with them now and see what they have to offer. I´ll def let you know of my own experience if anything becomes of it! :smile:

I was offered the exclusive program first and I declined, I felt like it wasn't worth it to throw away years of building an audience on webtoons for a platform I don't know much about and I can't guarantee an audience on. The non-exclusive program sounds good though since there isn't really any risk with it.

Is your comic on the platform yet?

I think maybe because it's way different from their regular comics that's the reason they contacted you about it? they're probably trying to expand their library into more genre's.


On another note, I've asked them some questions regarding the ownership and the ownership is completely the creators for the non-exclusive program and you'll be able to take your comic off the platform if you want. (I haven't asked about the exclusive program though)

I have never been contacted by these people, so I will just assume they don't allow much NSFW... (from what I've heard they allow more than webtoons but less than tapas)

Dude I'm working with them for some months and it's being amazing... my audience is way larger than was on webtoons and their exclusivity deal is being also really good for me. I think they are expanding and working hard to be competition for webtoons in the future. For me the exclusive deal was good because I always had a medium quantity readers, but if you are already a big name, idk if it's worthy go exclusive now... you can try and see how things go. About NSFW, is like Lord Vincent said..more than webtoons, but less than tapas... I still have to see what I can do with sex scenes! xD

Thank you for replying, I actually checked out your comic on their app and I'm really happy it's doing so well!

How are the readers there? Like just your general impression.

Like @joannekwan, I was contacted by them quite a while back but couldn't find much information or company presence, so I ignored it. And again my comic didn't fall in line with their existing content. I heard good things later and decided to finally reach out, but didn't hear back. It was my own fault, but I'm a cautious person by nature. Happy for anyone who has a good experience with them though! :smiley:

Whoaaa thank you so much! :grin::blush:

Hmmm... overall they are really nice and supportive!! They leave many nice words and go for your other accounts!! I had some issues in the beginning of my story cause people thought it was something it wasnt, but after I published a comment explaining it, they got it better and things got calmer... once in a hundred years I get some religiious biggot wanting to punch me because of the gay and the witchcraft, but the staff of the site deletes those hateful comments in a glance! They are very quick, what is good to create a nice environment both for creators and readers. And loool they are always asking for the characters to kiss, but well, I think this happens in all the sites, right? :joy::wink:

Do you need to have an invite or can anyone just start a series, and are they against posting your work on other platforms like tapas, webtoons, and Twitter? I just want to find my audience if I can.

from what I´ve seen you can apply on your own, too! And what I´ve heard in this topic, unless you sign an exclusive contract, you can surely publish your work every where else.

(sorry for being so quiet, I don´t have much to add to this topic yet, but I´m really happy about all the experiences shared!)

oh i got emailed by them recently as well. they seem to be around for less than a year but they're definitely a legit new webcomics platform to rival Webtoons and Tapas. I'm still asking them a bunch of questions but depending on their response, i think i'm gonna take the non-exclusive offer since i got nothing to lose?

[ETA] I'd also like to add that unless you're signing an exclusive deal, you can totally keep posting your comic on other platforms as well.
I found Glacias there too


interesting to note, i found a great majority of the current webcomics to be from Chinese(?) creators. Just an observation.

i actually asked them about their policies regarding mature content few hours ago.
will report back soon as i get a clear answer : >

although i did find some BL webcomic with clear sexual act except no genitals were showing.
but for the life of me i cannot find that webcomic now...


worth a look around?

Seems interesting. I’m not on Webtoons so I haven’t been extended on offer or anything but if they have a decent amount of readership and can get paid, I’m interested.

I didn’t see any option for sign up when I clicked OPs link tho, how do you sign up?

There's a button to contribute. From the looks of it you upload your comic (suggested 3 chapters). Basically you're sending a proposal and they will judge if it fits their criteria. I doubt I'll get in, but just trying is at least worth doing.

Ah, I see. Thanks!

I’m not sure mine would really fit either but no harm in trying, right? Tho I do need to figure out just how mature things can get first. Lol

reporting back on mature content.

they didn't give me a detailed answer or examples, but basically they're reviewing NSFW content more strictly on app than on the website, so a mature scene might need a bit of polishing to fit the two platforms.
probably in an attempt to adhere to the App Store/Google Play guidlines.

that being said, i most definitely did spot a bunch of NSFW scenes on app D;
both excessive violence and sex.
no genitalia or frontal nudity that i'm aware of tho.

Thanks @rosso , that´s good to know! That sounds pretty similar to Webtoons then, especially looking at their featured series.
I´m in contact with them now, too. Their conditions look really good, I´m gonna ask some questions and then propably go ahead for an non exclusive series.

So i just have to submit my comic and see if they will accept it?

As far as I can tell that´s an option, too, yeah :smiley: !