19 / 369
Jan 2019

Do you need to have an invite or can anyone just start a series, and are they against posting your work on other platforms like tapas, webtoons, and Twitter? I just want to find my audience if I can.

from what I´ve seen you can apply on your own, too! And what I´ve heard in this topic, unless you sign an exclusive contract, you can surely publish your work every where else.

(sorry for being so quiet, I don´t have much to add to this topic yet, but I´m really happy about all the experiences shared!)

oh i got emailed by them recently as well. they seem to be around for less than a year but they're definitely a legit new webcomics platform to rival Webtoons and Tapas. I'm still asking them a bunch of questions but depending on their response, i think i'm gonna take the non-exclusive offer since i got nothing to lose?

[ETA] I'd also like to add that unless you're signing an exclusive deal, you can totally keep posting your comic on other platforms as well.
I found Glacias there too


interesting to note, i found a great majority of the current webcomics to be from Chinese(?) creators. Just an observation.

i actually asked them about their policies regarding mature content few hours ago.
will report back soon as i get a clear answer : >

although i did find some BL webcomic with clear sexual act except no genitals were showing.
but for the life of me i cannot find that webcomic now...


worth a look around?

Seems interesting. I’m not on Webtoons so I haven’t been extended on offer or anything but if they have a decent amount of readership and can get paid, I’m interested.

I didn’t see any option for sign up when I clicked OPs link tho, how do you sign up?

There's a button to contribute. From the looks of it you upload your comic (suggested 3 chapters). Basically you're sending a proposal and they will judge if it fits their criteria. I doubt I'll get in, but just trying is at least worth doing.

Ah, I see. Thanks!

I’m not sure mine would really fit either but no harm in trying, right? Tho I do need to figure out just how mature things can get first. Lol

reporting back on mature content.

they didn't give me a detailed answer or examples, but basically they're reviewing NSFW content more strictly on app than on the website, so a mature scene might need a bit of polishing to fit the two platforms.
probably in an attempt to adhere to the App Store/Google Play guidlines.

that being said, i most definitely did spot a bunch of NSFW scenes on app D;
both excessive violence and sex.
no genitalia or frontal nudity that i'm aware of tho.

Thanks @rosso , that´s good to know! That sounds pretty similar to Webtoons then, especially looking at their featured series.
I´m in contact with them now, too. Their conditions look really good, I´m gonna ask some questions and then propably go ahead for an non exclusive series.

So i just have to submit my comic and see if they will accept it?

As far as I can tell that´s an option, too, yeah :smiley: !

Hey, don't mind me asking but does anyone have an idea about how much they offer?

They have a system similar to Webtoons "Beta Creator Credit" based on your Popularity on the App.

oh thank you :slight_smile:
btw did you accept the invite? are you going to publish there?

I got an email from them a couple of weeks ago for both of my comics to be on their app. I decided to just do my fantasy one since I didn't see any comics that were pure Slice-of-life (that isn't drama or romance heavy).

In terms of communication they have been so nice and patient with me (I wanted to redraw/proofread my earlier chapters and they gave me time to do that). They're launching my comic next week so hopefully that will turn out well :pensive:🤞

Just a question, where do i have to go to ask them if i cam submit my webcomic? :3