190 / 205
Sep 2021

Thanks bro for coming up with this topic. I wish you success on your webcomic. :slight_smile:

Here's a sample page of my manga/webcomic titled, "JillSaw Puzzle." Though, it's geared for more mature audience, it's packed with thrilling action, mystery, and psychological issues.

Also, here's the link for my manga/webcomic. Pls check it out and subscribe as well. More power to us and stay safe! :slight_smile:

I am currently 17 and don't want to see anything that is not for me, like I can see bl and GL and with mature theme even though it's not for me, don't tell my parents. But I don't want to see a straight romance with mature scenes or some abusive stuff so tell me in whether I can check it out or not. I don't mind violence and gore but no abusive relationships. I read killing stalking once and now and felt like crap for months :upside_down:, months cause it was addictive and i read it full. Please guide me in that case but I will give you a sub so that you can unlock milestones that comes with subs like add revenue and ink support :wink:, also I am pretty much struck on. My own series and now I am desperate :tired_face:. So now I will be begging you to check out my series. Don't read any further I already begged.

I don't see a reason why your boyfriend says you are not good at telling stories (read it from your bio) but you kept me mesmerized, and I can see you did quite a lot of research for your story. Keep it up.
Also I don't do it usually but I am begging am going to beg you to check out my comic now cause I am struck and am desperate now and have not even an ounce of relf respect left. Also make sure you are not in an abusive relationship just saying I don't know how it sounds comming from a stranger though.

Have you ever met a guy who is so talented and basically can learn and achieve any skill in the matter of days? Yes, that's my boyfriend (bf). Although I'm older than him, his skills are years beyond. Nothing I have done could impress him. Thanks for encouraging me which my bf never did. And thanks for checking my stories. I really need an audience to motivate myself to write more. I will check your comics out in my free time.
I don't know if I'm in an abusive relationship but I will stay with him as long as my love for him remains.

Just telling I once had a boyfriend that told me it was embarrassing to be with me in front of his friends :upside_down:and my voice is annoying. Cheated on me with a girl and justified it with saying I am an embarrassment. Said I didn't had talent for writing and drawing which I apparently learned is not the case. And I learned my voice is just unusual but in no way annoying as some people ask me to speak just cause they think it's cute. Just didn't want anyone else to go through serious blow on self confidence like me. Glad to know you are happy :blush:

Hi bro! Your offer still seems a bit too good to be true, but as a new author I’ll still take a chance lol. Please enjoy if you click!

Hope you check out mine. New episodes every wednesday

Thanks reading so many series in exchange of nothing is making me depressed, but still only subscribe if you like it :wink:

Man I am new here too just a few months, I am subscribing to everyone in return of nothing and not gonna lie I regret doing it cause people are not even trying to check out my comic but I am entitled to sub them cause I said so. But I don't wanna stop this thread as it gives me pretty good stories the premiums are filled with cliche and u have to pay for them :pensive:

I just checked out your work, and DAMN, those abs!

Thanks, though he is not that buff in other episodes as my concise told me not to make a minor buff. I am 17 and I know it's frustrating when adults make teenagers look like 30 year olds :expressionless:

Haha, I get ya. Ima just appreciate that one panel of buff Agni (゚∀゚)