43 / 205
Aug 2021

thank you so much for doing this! love the dedication and the passive aggressive! here's my webseries!

Title: Talipandas
Type: Novel
Genre: Fantasy, Slice of Life, Romance
Status: On-going
Description: When spoiled rich girl Ari's life ends, she finds herself reborn as Princess Iris in a fantasy world created by her childhood imaginary friend! But being a princess comes with being the last hope to remove an evil curse from the royal bloodline, which would be a lot easier if she hadn't inherited the most useless kind of magic in the world.
Content Warning: two paragraphs of sexual content in the whole entirety of the book, mental health issues, and countless profanities.
Latest Chapter: Chapter 53
Chapter Link: https://tapas.io/episode/2237316

Other sites:
AnyStories: https://m.anystories.app/stories/60dd5281360c030013cacb50/talipandas
Royal Road: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/43395/talipandas
POPINK: https://www.popinkapp.com/novel/200001216
Neovel: https://neoread.neovel.io/book/9168/EN/talipandas

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Manyana_Hobbit
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/manyanahobbit/

Wow, thanks for the opportunity, I really enjoyed your main series :grinning: will check out the side one too! Here's mine :relaxed:

The premise:

The story takes place in a fictional world where every twenty years a global war happens. Three major countries, Nilica, Sundestin and Norzeim, fight for the sky. Because if you control the sky, you can control the whole world, as proved five centuries ago by the inventor of the plane, Sam, the Sky Master. Wars are destructive and cause a lot of pain and grief, people build walls in the sky, own airspace above other countries, terrorize and kill each other. Our heroes as well as our villains want to stop these endless wars but in very different ways.

You're a real sweetpea you are

Thank you for this thread. Here is my webcomic below.

Thank you for this thread. I'm going to check your work! :slight_smile:

If you have time :slight_smile:

Understand the feeling.
I try to don't start topics for that reason xD
I can't answer to all, so I at least when I create one I read and like every comment. It's hard to comment back, though, because ther is so much post that I simple do not know what to say.

Anyway, if you want, here is my link.
Don't feel forced, you just vented for everyone here =P

just if you want to n_nU

Yeah i guess that as well I will sub all your work too please help me as well

That mood when someone subscribes to your series only to unsubscribe if you didn't sub their series fast enough

I'm already subbed to you (and you're subbed to me) so I'm not here for the promo, I'm just curious as to what happened and if I've posted this threads that your talking about.