52 / 205
Aug 2021

Thank you for this thread. Here is my webcomic below.

Thank you for this thread. I'm going to check your work! :slight_smile:

If you have time :slight_smile:

Understand the feeling.
I try to don't start topics for that reason xD
I can't answer to all, so I at least when I create one I read and like every comment. It's hard to comment back, though, because ther is so much post that I simple do not know what to say.

Anyway, if you want, here is my link.
Don't feel forced, you just vented for everyone here =P

just if you want to n_nU

Yeah i guess that as well I will sub all your work too please help me as well

That mood when someone subscribes to your series only to unsubscribe if you didn't sub their series fast enough

I'm already subbed to you (and you're subbed to me) so I'm not here for the promo, I'm just curious as to what happened and if I've posted this threads that your talking about.

Thank you!

Here's mine folks!

It's quite action packed so gore warning for everyone who doesn't like gore

Well, who am I to say no to a free sub?

Already subbed to yours tho.:sweat_smile:
But i'll post mine anyway.