79 / 205
Aug 2021


Wasn't that the point of the thread, I am subbing to your series? Why would you say no to a free sub?

Here is my series. Its slow and the art is off but it gets better honest. I swear. QuQ

Also @marshmallowsspr I saw your cover and just simped for the the masked male lead. Srry not sorry >//u//> I will be reading your series. I'm already sub but I just had to say that. xD

Fantastic! I'll give yours a looky-loo as well

Thanks! Here u go!

please check out my comic if you have time...dont forget to rete and subscribe!

I don't visit webtoon often I can rate and subscribe but if you want me to read your series than you should post your tapas link too

Whoa I appreciate the undertaking :100:

I would be happy if anyone could support me by subscribing and shareing my comic with there friends :3

I can subscribe but I don't know about sharing cause I don't have any friends.

same i have no friends lol yay no friends club

Hello! Sharing my works here for those who are interested in checking them out :blush: I would also love to make friends! Thank you so much :sparkling_heart:

A thousand, that's a lot of episode, it will make old subs loose interest and new one scared, how about starting a side series and continuing the one you are doing until you get good amount of sub on side series, just a friendly advice :grinning::+1:.

Uhm...you don't have to sub me, it's just that I came across your post which sounded a little upset and wanted to ask if the thread you wrote on was a sub 4 sub or something less obvious?

I'm still learning to navigate the forums so I try to avoid the sub 4 sub (I have nothing against it, just don't want to do it) but have posted to other 'no pressure' threads and ended up finding something I liked and subbing/reading as well as posting to their threads...

I'm only on the forums a couple times a week so...

Anyway, hope you're feeling better :slight_smile: