11 / 24
May 2021

I use Pinterest, it's great in suggesting you the similar vibes pictures. Don't forget you can take trendy looking clothes and just make them look more plain. For laid-back...try just looking through "Korean fashion", "Korean every day outfit", "Japanese casual outfit"... maybe something from 90's fashion?
But mainly I just created a "basic wardrobe" for my characters and dress them within it.
So they have like 2 pairs of bottoms (jeans), 2 pairs of shoes, 2 different jackets... and then I just add different t-shirts (usually I repeat those too) and a couple of sweaters, basically tops that you can change every time. And then you just juggle this basic wardrobe as you want, adding accessories if you need. I also chose primary colors that their wardrobe consists of, this really makes them stand out and makes your life easier when creating clothes.
Most people don't really have an overly huge wardrobe unless they are fashionista or shopping addicts :slight_smile:

If you have a handful of folks like the ones you’ve posted chances are the people they follow and interact with are also probably going to be similar so thats something!

I typically follow indie brands, designers, and maybe only a handful of stylists but they’re definitely not appropriate for what you’re looking for! Every comic I do lives in a kinda elevated fashion sense to reflect what I enjoy drawing so only a handful of just t-shirt and jeans wearers! :sweat_smile:

LOOOOOL Shopping addicts!
I feel exposssed! :joy::joy:

I didn't think my wardrobe was huge but I definitely have at least 10 pairs of pants and 6-8 pairs of shoes! I have no idea how many tops I own.

I appreciate your advice :hugging:
That sounds pretty cool, you should link your comic in your bio so people can check it out! :flushed:

I've found that searching location tags is better for candid photos. #brunch or #lunch or looking for restaurants/ bars where your characters hang out. Areas of town were cool for reference photos, too. Back when I lived in LA I'd search #echopark #macarthurpark #silverlake for hipster trash characters and maybe #midcity #midwilshire for the boojee ones. See if I could catch pictures of people being wealthy on main.

This is so smart! I’m definitely gonna keep this in mind if I need it in the future.

It's a trick I learned back when I was a costume designer.
Galaxy brain is actually going to those places and taking notes. Maybe ordering brunch. Take yourself to brunch, is what I'm saying.

I usually do go out and people watch but I haven’t been outside in year so this is truly what I needed :upside_down:

Honestly I just spend a bit of time watching HSN or QVC when they're on a clothing binge - especially during the Christmas in July prep and Christmas prep.

I hate drawing different clothes because I'm lazy, so I'm glad a lot of my scenes are at school so they can just wear a uniform lol

What I like to do is go onto trendy shopping sites because when they showcase their clothing, usually they'll have a full outfit for it. Some keywords I use to search for outfit inspirations are "여름 옷" (autumn clothes), "귀여운 스타일 옷" (cute style clothes), and "캐주얼 옷" (casual clothes). I get the best references from these keywords and a lot of them are comfortable styles that you can wear in most countries like America.

Idk about Instagram accounts, but for full body fashion shots the best hashtag would be #ootd.

Other website I suggest is lookbook.nu. And of course, Pinterest.

I like drawing gothic lolita/J-fashion. Not what you're looking for but I do find that Tumblr has a wealth of resources for clothing inspiration! Maybe try there? :smile:

I follow a handful of fashion-based Tumblr blogs, actually. Some are, like, high-fashion runway weirdness, some are fancy dresses/bridal gowns, some are more fantasy-geared.

Might be a bit of a stretch, but there are Fashion sub-reddits.

FemaleFashionAdvice / MaleFashionAdvice

People post their Look-Books on there all the time.

Wow yeah! I never though of geotags for inspo. I'll check out some of these tags to see what people are wearing. Thanks!

Haha, that was my cheat solution too!

My favorite artist for a while has been old xian. She spends a lot of time on atmosphere and fashion since her comics aren't plot driven but relationship driven. So I thought I could try drawing more fashion.

I'll definitely try those tags. I appreciate new tags to try checking out since my brain is running out of ideas.

You might be pleasantly suprised! Are you looking for anything in particular?