13 / 39
Jun 2021

In before anyone else says Deadly Premonition (the first)

i second this....that game is amazing!

Gotta admit that with the physics of classic Mario games and shorter or skippable room transitions it would be way better......

I recently decided to play the 'Legacy of Kain' series so I could stream it to a friend of mine (he shares a name with the protagonist and I wanted him to see what it was like.)

The plot is AWESOME, nicely woven and the voice acting is amazing, writing is also clever and characters come off as classy and witty.

Aside from the puzzles, the gameplay is pure jank, combat can be reduced to button mashing and you can never fail because of the 'immortal' side of the protagonist, and the jumping is horrendous to pull off right

My time to shine.



I love this game. From the hyper-edgy attitude, to the gameplay, to the multiple endings. I owned it on 3 separate game systems at one point or another.

If you think opinion is divided on FFXV.... oh boy....

My favourite Final Fantasy game... is.... Final Fantasy VIII. :cry_swag:

  • The heroine gets kidnapped, trapped or generally in trouble and needs rescuing on about five separate occasions.
  • The plot hinges heavily on the characters all having grown up together but they ALL FORGOT ABOUT IT because of magic.
  • The hero gets promoted to leader of his organisation over two other far more experienced and qualified women, one of whom is in your party and used to be the character's teacher.
  • The character who is a teacher is EIGHTEEN YEARS OLD and flirts with her seventeen year old student.
  • You can cheese through this entire game by spending a couple of hours at the start playing cards and fighting low level monsters to gain the absolutely broken ability to refine cards into magic, equip it to key stats and create end-game level equipment, which completely trivialises the difficulty of the rest of the game, which scales with level.
  • Most beginners breeze through the first half of the game without learning how the weird mechanics work (explained with very dry tutorials very early on) and then get stuck on this one robot boss where the difficulty suddenly spikes (if you've played it, you probably know the one).
  • Nobody even mentions the name of the main villain until like... well over halfway through the game.

This game is absolutely ridiculous... But I love it. I love the terrible, cheesy, sentimental plot. I love the bit where you save the heroine in space, then fight a bunch of aliens on a spaceship and have a romantic scene in a spaceship cockpit to an incredibly cheesy pop ballad, I love the scene where you put on a concert for the main hero and heroine to cheer them up... The summons and animations have tons of personality, it has a cool art nouveau inspired modern european setting and iconic character designs... It's a great, terrible game that had a huge impact on me creatively when I played it in my teens.

Big same honestly, I had so much fun with this game.

For me (outside of titles already being mentioned here) the big one would probably be the Dynasty Warriors Gundam series. Dynasty Warriors is already a series that got a lot of hate, adding Gundam to it got it even more negative critique. I have spent an unbelievable amount of hours on these games, I just, really enjoy them.

Zelda 2. A legitimately fun game (but that last castle is straight up evil without a guide/walkthrough, though. Why would I fall down a pit on purpose?! I wasn't trained for that!).

cue everyone piling on me for being a nerd ...But those cheesy romance visual novels. Not the ones soley focused on ahem adult content, but the ones with stories. I had to hide my 15+ year relationship from a bad parent until this year when I finally escaped and those games - while sappy - just made me happy. I couldn't express anything about being in love so that was how I did it. (Said parent would literally look through my phone, laptop, etc even when I became an adult.) Also, I love doe-eyed manga girls (even when generic). :heartbeat:

Perfect Dark Zero is my favorite "bad" game. Not only was it my first Xbox 360 title, but it was my first XBOX title in general. I feel like despite the cheesy cutscenes/dialogue, wonky game physics (the physical copy, not the digital version), slow aim, and sometimes unfair levels/difficulty, there's a good game in there. Its by no means superior to the original or Goldeneye 007 (that's what the TimeSplitters series is for), but on its own... its a really fun title. Plus, the multiplayer lasted for a long-ass time before Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare came in and curbstomped every other multiplayer FPS out of existence.

Heck, the cheesy dialogue is so hilarious that I'm surprised no one's ever gone around quoting it like we do with the original six-movie Star Wars Saga.



"Ain't gonna play nice? Gonna get my ball and go home..."

"No more Xbox for me..."


And with the new game on the way, I've been very happy to be one of those morons that supported Zero long enough to get a new entry. I just hope its just as, or even more ridiculous as Zero.

Metal Gear on the NES. While not as good as the MSX version, I did genuinely enjoy it. The game takes a lot of trial and error which was common for games of that era and can be confusing starting out. But I do think it is fun if you can figure it out

One of my favorite 'bad' games is King's Quest VII - not necessarily bad, but not amazing or anything. I grew up on King's Quest IV, so I loved having a continuation to Rosella's story.

Nice. I tracked that game down after I fell in love with Metal Gear Solid but I never gave it the full chance it deserved. I should dust it off soon.

I enjoyed Bullet Witch and NeverDead. And both of those games suck.

I use to really enjoy Toontown Online back in the day.

Was like a drug for me everyday back in elementary school

That's so weird because I always hear good things about FFVIII but I was still pretty sure there was some weird stuff in that game because, I mean, it's an FF game, lol. I kinda love that though. At least it did something different.

@Reveal I remember playing that game! Well, I don't remember it, but I know I played it was obsessed with it.

@andersondavid319 I really liked Super Paper Mario. Before Sticker Star, Paper Mario fans considered it the worst entry. I think it was mostly due to the gameplay change.

I also liked Mario Kart Wii. I think people over exaggerate saying it's the worst entry. It has it's problems, but it's not insufferable.