@powerplantanimations I haven't read or watched JJBA beyond Part 1's anime adaptation (and a little of 2) but I've picked up a lot due to a few close friends being into it and general curiosity. I remember getting curious about Pucci and his whole deal, especially with Dio is very interesting. He seems like a cool antagonist.
Every part seems to smash a bunch of fun personalities together, and I've always admired the series from afar because of it.
Edit: Yeah, sometimes two people in the same group just don't click and that's fine. And the parallels between two people on different sides of the same fight who otherwise could've been friends is always
YES @ that last one. In particular, I find a lot of Sonic characters interesting because of this. Most of them have traits you wouldn't expect from their general archetypes and I like when the games and other media acknowledge it.
@BoomerZ That always makes for a fun form of escapism. Plus you don't have to worry about things like the protagonist knowing things you don't.
@DasIstWunderblyat Ooooh, I could see how both iterations of that trope would play out. Both sound really good!
I'm fond of aversions of more standard character dynamics - e.g.:
The serious character is the extrovert and the silly character is the introvert; the former nags the latter about common sense and the importance of touching grass.
The cheerful character is cynical and selfish and the angsty, brooding character is idealistic and selfless. The latter devotes their life to helping people and takes their cause very seriously, the former tries to get the latter to relax and do whatever the heck they want because nothing matters anyway!
Heck, maybe the idealist is selfish and the cynic is selfless. The former is a philosophical egoist who believes selfishness is good and hurting others is ultimately not a rational thing to do for self-interested people; the latter believes people suck and would ruin everything for each other if given then chance and it's up to them to stop that from happening.
Taking it further, I like it when two characters in the same group have a serious issue with each other that never really gets resolved by the end of the story. Like, they're not just 'the bickering ones' and their conflict is fun and wholesome and shows they really do care for each other or anything like that, but they really would rather have nothing to do with each other, and only tolerate each other's presence because of their mutual friends. And it's a source of tension that the group is always going to have to find ways to work around as long as it stays together :'D
Same for me, I feel that the situation or the surroundings can strongly influence and change the characters, conflict doesn't always have to be personified in a single villain or person. You can also take this both in a comedic (for ridiculous situations) or a dramatic direction.
For example, I like the dynamic of a happy, generous character living life and turning cynical and more withdrawn due to bad experiences with other people over time. Perhaps in my eyes a true tragedy.
Cocky/Serious vs witty/mischievous
In the current series I'm working on I'M ̶n̶o̶t̶ A SICK BOY! most fun is taking Evan, a playfully mischievous, flirtatious guy who cares little for rules and pairing with/ pitting him against
no-nonsense or egotistic character types. Those who he can't help himself but irritate lol
On the other hand, the aforementioned side of Evan isn't truly seen in early episodes as he behaves more toned down in the home setting & through the eyes of his little brother Owen (Mc).
Enjoy sibling dynamic too: come from same upbringing yet differing personalities can create such interesting outcomes.
Evan's a daring adult who's been a round town while Owen's a sheltered boy who just turned 12 year old. Throughout the series, Owen and Evan are separated from the parents and it gives Owen a chance to see a different side of Evan.
In an upcoming episode, Owen is confused as he watches Evan taunt and aggravate a highly dangerous no-nonsense type opponent (this character is someone they encounter on multiple occasions who seems to know Evan outside the home setting and reveal things that Owen himself would have never known.)
While Evan is naturally reckless , he loves his little brother and does what he can to keep him safe but conflicts do arise as Evan steers off course due to his daring nature. Owen being dependent (due to sheltered upbringing) has no choice but to drag along.
I also enjoy when the mains share differing outlook/growth during the story's situation:
Owen want's to reunite with his parents, he's starts off scared, his acceptance of himself in his 'world's sudden change' is something that happens overtime. Evan however, quickly embraces the change, he is curious to explore the limits of his powers and challenge all odds.
Also love a dynamic that can lead to a bit of role switch between both characters:
The series is supposed to be three seasons, and in final season there is a bit of a role switch. Owen has his trials overtime that push him to become independent & more confident with his powers. There's another important character, one who Evan truly loves but led a complicated relationship with, that character dies while protecting him. This wrecks Evan who goes into a mindless bloody rage ruining the situation even more for himself and his allies. There's a scene where Evan falls to the ground a crying helpless mess and it's Owen who comforts him. Similar to early scenes in the series when Owen felt helpless and Evan comforted him.
In the final battle the brothers reach a point where they better understand each other, retaining what makes each unique but becoming ideal duo. Owen the noble Hero and Evan the playful one.
I love seeing relationships (friends or more, I like any) between two apathetic characters that are secretly very psycho, but in a nonchalant way.
It's like they complement each other in their twisted ways, and instead of running away because they're scared, they bring even more madness.
In my novel, the main leads' relationship is kinda like that. There's the apathetic person with bottled anger and the quiet kid with impulsive and self-destructive habits.
@TheLemmaLlama I really really wanted to comment on yours yesterday, but I got busy with some things. I'd love to see all of those dynamics you listed. They would be so interesting. There's a lot of potential that could tapped into with playing around with those kinds of expectations. Introvert and extrovert characters especially. I tend to play it straight with the ones I have, but there's a lot of possibilities if an author did what you said, or say, made the introvert more social and the extrovert more shy.
It took me a few times to grasp the last bullet point, but that would be such an interesting dynamic!
Oh, I'm not sure if I've seen this before in any other work, but I know two of my characters are going to end up exactly like this. Just two completely opposing worldviews and standards that, even with character arcs, are just too different for them to ever get along.
@writerhongpao Whole-heartedly agree that conflict doesn't have to be confined to a single antagonistic character. Villains can be fun, but sometimes struggling against a less concrete problem can do wonders for a plot. That last scenario you mentioned it a tried and true tragedy. It's always interesting seeing where characters like that go. Even if they start opening up and being less cynical, they can never fully be the person they once were.
@stiatent Ohhhhhh! Evan's interactions sound hilarious! And yes! Sibling dynamics are my bread and butter. And as for the spoilered part:
SAME. I love when character dynamics get inverted. Also, Evan and Owen's situation sounds really neat. I really like the concept of Evan being the more reckless type, but being put in a situation where he has to look after someone else. And poor Owen. Being at the mercy of Evan's recklessness while already dealing with a bunch of change can't be easy.
@Legendofgenii Oh, that's always fun!
@Crowv LOLOLOL how chaotic. Love that for her. Skully seems like he has a lot on his hands.
@sgalm1 Even in a more serious situation, there is high comedic potential in that. "Your poisons are so... potent. I like that." "Thanks, and your knives are looking sharp today."
@theyrebothakilogram Narrative foils are always very very good! I particularly like finding ones that aren't quite as obvious, but make sense when you really think about it.
@NickRowler Yeah, that's always fun! There's things that can happen in a story that don't have to involve heavy conflict between two people and still be just as engaging.
@Kalebell A tried and true classic dynamic! There's a lot you can do with it.
@river121693 Ooooooooh! I know I've seen and heard of just taking revenge or "the thirst for revenge corrupts," but that one sounds like it could be really poignant.
High five for the shared love for sibling dynamics & that one inside spoiler
You got siblings in your cast too? Noticed it made me appreciate childhood sibling memories I would have taken lightly , you ever felt the same writing yours?
Yhep cant wait to dive into those interactions:
Yes! Between the two series I'm working on, I've got four pairs of brothers in the main casts. I meant to ramble about a couple of them in my post, but I haven't quite gotten the time yet (partially because I've been writing notes fleshing out the experiences of one of them.)
Oh, nice pose work! I really like the posing and expression on the one against the wall.
@Hipiticus Oh yeah, I've enjoyed that one quite a few times! When done right, it's really nice.