You are hyperfixitating on the word "roleplay" and taking what he said way too literal.
It's this overly literal way you approach what people say and do that's at the very root of your struggles as a writer and storyteller. How can you hope to prortray a chaacter as a believable person, when you don't have a grasp on basic human behavior. And no, this isn't something you can teach yourself by watching a youtube video or observing some guy in a bar. This is a fundamental sense of empathy you just seem to kinda lack or at least struggle with greatly.
This is lickely due to you being on the spectrum, I get it, it's hard. But you aren't gonna logic your way out of this, it's just something you gotta feel. your constant stream of questions isn't gonna help you here, frankly, I doubt any form of outside help will. It's an inward journey you gotta take, better understand yourself, because you can start to understand others and write characters as real believable people.
And before you ask, no, no one here is gonna be able to really effectively help you with that, it's all up to YOU. The only outside help you can really get is with a professional psychologist (which I really doubt any of us here are.)