13 / 32
May 2021


I’ve been posting my second novel for 2.5 months and it was been :sweat_02: interesting to get readers. BUT I’ve had:

-Top Horror*
-Top trending horror*
-28 episodes
-89 subs (so close to 100 :coffee_love:)
-so many compliments on my writing


My story is staff pick this week 🥳🥳🥳

*mine is gothic horror, so it’s not big on spooks if you’re worried about being scared :smile_01:

Can confirm that this is awesome and deserves all the good things! Congrats on the staff pick, I'm so happy for you, ghoulie! And SOON you'll get those sweet 100 subs. :tapa_pop:

:cry_02: thank you!

Yours deserves all the recognition and more.


  • 38 Episodes (including weekly features)
  • Weekly Features to promote other artists/ writers and build community. its lonely out here
  • 244 subscribers
  • (get ready for this) 720 comments
  • I think I placed in the top 15 a couple times in LGBTQ and BL but I don't know
  • Currently next to the floor in rankings
    Next objective: 250 subscribers.

My first chapter came out March 13 so its been just under 2 months? Not bad. I think my strength is engaging readers because even though I've never been a staff pick or broken the top 10 in a category, I've built readership that engages with comments and likes. I am regularly roasted in the comments of my own story. I added a "comment of the week" section in my features as a showcase of the reader's wit. Assassin's Captive is a comedy/ romance but readers wax poetic in the comments section of the serious chapters, too. I recently posted a chapter where someone gets decapitated and it's kind of serious but the comments were a series of one-liner jokes. It was fantastic. My people!

It's been a slow few months but managed to hit some milestones! :smiley:
Congrats to everyone on their achievements! :heart_02:

10k+ views
2k+ likes
95 episodes
233 subs
Top trending Drama :smile:

This is exactly what I want to achieve, my envy is boundless and I bow to you, queen.

I don't have a novel on Tapas, just my comic. I work solo on it, so I write it all. The series has two lives, one is online and the other offline.

63 Subscribers
118 Episodes
Chapter 1 translated in French

100+ copies sold!!! :heart_03: (Independently published)
Sold in 3 store locations.

How can people pick one line? Every time I think “this one,” I find another one and I have to regroup from laughing so I can keep reading

My ongoing comic is sustaining decent viewings for how many subs I have:

One Shot Left
56 subscribers

Better than my idle comics! (fancy that)

Thanks! I wish my book had as much reception...but I guess I have been making this web comic (technically) for over 10 years (with many gaps and breaks in there).

What is your book(s) ?

So, I just barely squeaked by the 25 sub mark, no one is reading my work, and my own wife looks down on my endeavors, but, hey! I'm happy. I'm happy to write, and happy with what I write. I am happy with my character development, and I feel that my writing skills have improved. Last but not least, I am happy because writing includes a chair to sit in. :grin:

Not sure if my stats are good either, but I started posting at the end of last year and mine (webtoon) are:
23 episodes
8.8k subscribers
My stats on tapas are lower since I'm more focused on webtoon, but I'm happy with my progress!

I'm flattered, seriously. I think I'm very funny but I worry that nobody else does. It's a narcissism thing that's hard to explain. You haven't met me in real life, but I talk like my writing. So like. aggressively sexual and I'm very LOUD.
You've joined in a couple comment roasts and I enjoy the shit out of that. Like, let's just banter.

It will happen to you, too. The 720 number is believable because I have a regular commenter who I start 50+ comment threads with. We roleplay the characters sometimes.
My novel just passed the sad midpoint in the series but none of my regular commenters missed a BEAT. The comment section was all jokes about decapitating ex boyfriends.

If I am a queen of anything it is convincing people to comment MORE. Now I have a legion of banter-artists who torment me weekly. The dream.

Comic creator here. I'm slow but i've drawn 66th pages so far. (including comicpages from extras)

:tada:Hurray for my little achievement.

Well, I'm past 330+ readers on my novel series and 100+ on the anthology manga. People keep finding my work and I'm insanely grateful for all the comments, theories, and fan art. :pray: My series is consistently near the top of the sci-fi section (and has even been no.1 a few times - whaaaaaat)

I don't care about numbers because my passion is bringing the worlds in my head to life - buuuuuut I'd be lying if I said my increasing audience doesn't make me feel happy and proud. :sparkling_heart:

Also, I'm somehow nearing 1K on YouTube which I never expected! My insta and Tumblr are doing well too. If I have this much interaction at these numbers, I'm excited to see what it'll be like as I hit "big" numbers. I think my biggest achievement is having my artwork grace the cover of a synthwave album worldwide. :pray: (Plz stream Downtown Binary - Memoir!)

Well, I just started posting my second novel and it's already at 55 subs, which is so awesome. Can't wait to see how it goes forward.

For my first novel, Stains, I'm really close to 450 subs, and still gaining some even now it's finished. Plus over 4k likes and 24k views. I never got staff pick or reached top of popular/trending, but the amount of people who've really gotten invested in my story and characters is by far enough achievement for me :grin: