22 / 25
Sep 2022

1 manga 1 web comic of mine is in production phase but not on tapas and for reference yes i have stories written and i got a scripts of my one shot stories

The examples of your work, Mr. Kuma wanted to ask you if you have those ^^ that's the first thing anyone would like to see if you say that you are a writer who wants to be paid for writing - the actual texts.

I see i see sorry i type fast so i gusse i made mistakes but yes i am serious no dabout and if you tell me how i can shear my reference or pdf file to show


So I would suggest editing your original post to clean up your grammar and punctuation, then list some examples of scripts you've written that we can look through. That'd be a good start.

Well, first of all.

It would be nice if you have a portfolio, a more professional profile (you know a picture, a small description, maybe a link to your work or contact information). Remember that claiming you do something but having no samples, no free to read content for anyone to check out it's the same as having nothing. Ideas or projects that are on the making, works in progress are one thing, something that has been published be it independently, online or printed is another, since it can be considered a finished product.

A lot of people either have free to access Documents files, folders, PDFs through Google Drive or other media hosting platforms that I believe that with the access to internet you can even google and probably even find hosting platforms that can adapt to your needs.

What genres can you work with, where do you expertise, not to mention that first it's important to mention that in the Tapas Forum we're not allowed to create threads offering our services or promoting sales, we mostly have to wait for someone to create a thread, and if it's paid, you offer yourself there.

Remember as well that Grammar, understanding format and other aspects is also important. Take the time to properly write your inquiry, edit your main thread asking everything you need to know or maybe looking for advice from other Writers before doing things out of impulse

You're applying for a job, dude, you gotta treat it seriously like one. Not like you're texting your friends.

Take your time on things and use proper grammar before hitting the 'reply' button.

Just copy/paste the script into a google doc and make it shareable, then post the link in your OP.

Then, it'll be important that before doing anything, to read the rules, understand how the site functions and other aspects.

I believe reading these threads would be better for your understanding

So, yes, that's a start. But this script really is not acceptable for a reference. You absolutely need to clean up the grammar and organize the script better. I would also really suggest looking into how scripts are written.

I don't mean to be offensive but it feels like you are very very young (perhaps too young to be legally employed, I can't say), and that perhaps english is not your first language. I just think you really have a long way to go in fixing your english/grammar issues before applying for a job like this.

Also you have a very explicit rape scene in the script so you might want to give a warning for that.

I'm not a native English speaker and I can see the evident mistakes in grammar everywhere. The format is wrong.

I echo many of @candiedcotton opinions here.

I gave a read to what you've shared, first, avoid writting on caps, you want to look appealing, you want to look professional, someone worthy of collaborating with, since you're a total stranger on the internet and people won't know anything about you besides what can be judged on first impressions.
If this is the only thing you have, then I believe you're an amateur, someone new to this, not because this is the only script you shared, but because it is terrible, it looks like a draft that someone did without having the proper time or care to polish it and make it presentable for another individual, if you want to propose this to an artist then you have to do a better job, artists are not blessed with the ability of reading minds, so you'll have to be clear because adjectives and certain descriptions will not be compatible and are either vague or abstract.

I would recommend first:

  • Improve your english, communication is important, and your wording and grammar are very... low. A story written as if it was a message on social media is very, unappealing, especially again, for the unnecessary use of capital letters.
  • It is important to put warnings and clarifications before your Document, not everyone likes or is available to read NSFW / R18 content (As well that it could be a violation of Tapas Guidelines, since you're sharing a link that leads to Mature Content and the minimum of age in this platform is 13, so you have to be responsible)
  • If you struggle with English, then I believe the best would be to work in your native language and then, try to collaborate with an artist from India.
  • Please read proper samples of comic scripts, how to properly describe a panel, angle, shot, have proper descriptions of characters, poses and not things that either the artist will have to guess or have to dig up from you.
  • Remember that is important to know the guidelines of the places you're going to post your story, if there is very graphic violence, sexual scenes, adult content in general then, if you're aiming for Webtoon, Tapas or even Manga Plus, your content will be removed and rejected for violating the Community and Content Guidelines.

Bro i am 20 that's just how i write it's not offensive but you shouldn't assume someone's age by how they write and i got it i will clean it up

"That's just how I write" is no excuse, do you see this kind of wording on English books? Official translations or english comics? No, you want people to take you seriously, do the part of looking presentable.

I'm not assuming your age, but as a member of the forum you agreed to following the guidelines the moment you create your account, is your responsability to properly behave. The minimum age of Tapas.Io is 13, that means, anyone starting that age and up can read your content, and despite some may be adults they do not feel the need to open up a document and find no warning or filter regarding mature content. You must put a warning or limit the kind of content you post, unless you want to be flagged and reported by a moderator for violating the guidelines, censor your content or at least put proper warnings to it.

1 month later

closed Oct 29, '22

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