3 / 52
Apr 2018


My husband made this for you guys
You can feed it PNG, PSD, TIFF, or JPG files
For LINE Webtoon- it resizes your images to 800 width and cuts it 1280 heights and gives you JPG files.
For Tapas- it resizes files larger than 940width is resizes to 940 width and cuts heights of 700 and gives you PNG files. (they're so short because it guarantees your files are below the 2mb limit)

It's alittle slow, and slows the more people are using it at the same time.

If you see any issues let me know and he can work on debugging.

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There are 51 replies with an estimated read time of 4 minutes.

Wow, that’s awesome!
Will definitely be using this. Thanks so much!

offers a mountain of stress balls because I seem to have a whole lot of them for some reason

So croppy was updated to slice for tapas now, where tapas slices are in png and 940 wide or smaller.

if you have a super large file it may time out.

Croppy has been updated to support PSD (photoshop) files and Tiff.

Should also be powerful enough to support larger images.

Ohh awesome!
I also wanted to mention it bugs out a bit when you give it files a second time (i ended up working straight onto the resized files and then needed to resize again for webtoons) not sure what exaclty the source of the problem was (maybe it can’t handle smaller files properly?) but it made them larger with big white spaces where the original picture was done

hmm I'll let the husband know.

But also you don't need to do it separate. You can put your file in once and select both tapas AND webtoon and it should send you a file that has 2 folders one for each.

Oh and Webtoons strictly wants an 800 width file, so yeah if your file is narrower than 800 croppy will auto scale the image to be 800 width. It doesn't do it with tapas tho since tapas restrictions are less weird.

so the issue @kip is that you shouldn't be feeding a picture through croppy multiple times. Just send it through the one time when you have your final product and then if you want it for both select both from the get go.

Croppy is designed to cut Tapas images shorter because the width is larger (and we wanted to guarantee the under 2mb size limit) so croppy will return images that can be short in length as a result of this. So sending it through the tapas slicer and then refeeding that into the webtoons slicer is going to reduce the quality of your comic.

If you really want to do it separately, then you should input the original longformat picture in the second time rather than an already sliced image. I hope this makes sense.

Ahh, I understand !
It was really just that I ended up editing on the resized file for one of the sites then had to use that to upload to the other lol
thanks though! :slight_smile:

Ahh I see. Maybe in that scenario since it is a single file and doesn't need slicing you could just resize that on your own. I think that would be the better option.

Yeah! it was 12 files because of the way the image slicer works, but i ended up doing it manually :slight_smile:

I'm alittle confused? You found an issue in 12 files and changed all 12 files?

Why not change your original before the slicing?

I only had a problem in two files but the image slicer cuts it up to more than that naturally so i had to work with all of them.
I didn’t fix the original file because i wasn’t planning on crossposting it at first, which to be fair is completely my mistake haha.. i wanted to avoid re-cutting since i had 4 files originally and you can only pick one at a time.
i wanna clarify i’m not complaining about the slicer, i really like it & it’s super helpful, just pointing out something that i ran into .!

Haha that's fine I didn't see it as complaining. We wanna work out kinks and all so don't hesitate to tell us stuff.

2 months later

The new version of croppy doesn't seem to load on my end. I've been waiting several minutes to be able to but it just won't start up. The screen just remains the same.

First thanks for testing. Something is definitely not working right.
In Hamburger icon -> Help -> About Firefox what does it say your version is?
In mine it states 60.0.2 (64-bit). If you are running something lower than 60 you will want to upgrade.Also are you running windows, linux or mac.

Another thing you can do is hit ctrl+shift+k, after its been 30 seconds & is there any yellow or red text in the text box that pops up? You can safely close it after it is opened.
