1 / 16
Feb 2024

Got bored, made some covers to practice. Don't really plan on selling my test covers so if anyone wants them they're up for grabs. I can add the title/author name or can give you the plain pic and I can change the colors. Might add some more if I do more practice ones.

  • created

    Feb '24
  • last reply

    Feb '24
  • 15


  • 754


  • 1


  • 15


I don't need one but just commenting to praise the first one (both are great!). I love the hair and dress colour combo. Red contrasts with green, but her hair is destaurated / dark yellow, and it still look amazing. Great work!

They looks pretty cool. I like the use of stark colors in both, especially the witch.

Thank you! I did consider a green bg, but I settled on the hair and it popped more against purple. Mostly I was just trying random colors, lol.

@JoshRaed Thank you! I kinda have a thing for drawing witches/wizards.

They're good covers but I do not think this is the best idea, namely because these covers do not represent the original work of the author who would use them. I guess this applies for any sort of stock cover, but overall, a cover should reflect the story it's for, and therefore should be unique to it. It should therefore not be reused for other works, as it risks undermining both the stories its used for, along with the cover itself.
However, the one of the bottom left corner is simple and ambiguous enough that it could be used for any romantic story while still reflecting its contents.
TLDR: Your artwork is great, but most of those covers should not be reused for other stories.

But I said these are practice covers. They have not been used by anyone else. I just like to mess about with ideas when I have time and nothing to draw.

If someone wants a cover that's tailor made for their story they can commission one from myself or someone else. Since these are just covers I made out of boredom, if someone wants them that's great, if not oh well. I'd rather put them out to be used than just leave them in my files.

@EncryptedWriting Thank you!

Ok. As an art showcase, the art is very impressive. I just didn't like the idea of covers being copy-pasted.

Hi can I have the 1st and the 3rd one for my novels? 🤲🏻

You can have one of them. What's the title and author name you want on it?

Okay I’ll take the first one. It’s called, “Werewolf and Rosalina” by Chocolatte.

Okay, so here's your cover! It's resized because the full sized one is too big to post or DM here. If you want the full sized one and you have an email or other social media account where I can send it, just DM me about it.

Thank you! It's mostly me messing with new brushes/assets from CSP, lol.