26 / 26
Nov 2024

Thinking about it, I'm not sure I'd want to give my younger self any writing advice. Not in that I didn't have anything to improve, I definitely did, but I'm not sure I would have wanted to hear it. :stuck_out_tongue:

I would rather my younger self remain motivated and write what she wants to write. Maybe that would be my advice? Write what you want to write?

I won’t lie to you. It won’t be easy to make it as a writer, and god forbid you should pimp yourself out to Hollywood. People won’t appreciate your work immediately - many of them will struggle to make sense of your ideas. Success doesn’t come free of charge. You have to do whatever it takes to acquire popularity.

Oh yeah I for sure know it isn't going to be easy. I knew that and decided long and hard before trying to take this seriously. If it was easy everybody would be successful. I am prepared for it. Even if I don't succeed that's not the worst thing. The worst thing to me is not even trying and thinking about the what ifs. I am not going to do anything irrational (like giving up a day job. I am very much ambitious about my corporate work or working towards it since I am in college), but at least I can say I am giving it my all before whatever lies in the future happens. Good luck on your own stories as well! I have seen your name around and it shows me you are working hard as well.

"Go chill out bro. Stop taking everything so seriously."

There. That's what I'll tell my younger self.


Hello @Landon_Elder. My younger self would never believe I'd finish a full length novel in this life. I would tell him these things to give him the courage of a writer:

  1. Don't let criticism turn you away.
  2. Don't throw away any ideas.
  3. Explore your genres.
  4. Let your story shine naturally.

If he follows these tips, he'll create stories like this :arrow_down:

I would probably tell my younger self to get serious and finish what you start, because maybe then I wouldn't have dozens of half baked stories with less than two paragraphs rotting away in my Google docs. 🤣🤣🤣

I would also tell myself not to write on paper, because you'll never get around to digitizing them like your tenth grade creative writing teacher suggested.

But in all seriousness, I would say that the most important opinion you'll ever receive is your own. Critic and reader feedback is all well and good, but if you don't like what you're writing, it's okay to change the direction. Don't worry about what other people will say, because the betrayal of one's own soul is the most heinous betrayal of all. Good luck, and happy writing!

Aesthetically yours,

@remiquise This is so heartbreaking to hear! It mortifies me that a parent would ever say that to their child. I'm so sorry you had to go through this, but you've probably heard all these empty sentiments before. I just want you to know that you are an important part of this community, and I hope that, wherever you are in the world, you're able to feel the warmth and love of a true family one day. Thank you for just being you.

Hah, thank you thank you. It is what it is, and I'm a grown woman now and have moved on enough. I got a life of my own, a (rented) place, a job, a small handful of friends, my two lovely cats, and the friend I used to write story's with family basically adopted me so I got them lol. I only really see my family for holidays. So really there's no need to fuss over it.

Take the time to get to know your characters. Don't just dive into a story head long. Yeah, you can write out any scene ideas you have so you don't forget them or lose your inspiration but it's worth while to sit down and make character design sheets, daydream your characters behaving in the most basic scenarios (like morning routines, going to the zoo, etc) so you can get a firm grasp on their personalities and find consistencies. It'll help your writing a lot.

Also take the time to write the things you want to write. Don't waste all your time trying to write what you think will sell.

Those are my tips for my younger self

I would tell my younger self not to have too high expectations for your writing, but also not to be discouraged from trying.

Read and read, learn from writers who inspire you.

Don't be repetitive and expand your vocabulary.

Keep improving your English.

Learn and apply what others advise you, but don't take it personally.

Enjoy the process of writing; it may not be your best work, but you will learn a lot from it.

I would tell my younger writer self not to be afraid of a blank page. Just tell the story you always wanted to read for yourself and go from there :slight_smile:

That your story is not like inventing a better mouse trap... the world will not "beat a path to your door."


Kidding. It would depend on what age I meet myself at...

12: Sly Cooper fanfic? Are you a furry? Eh, that's alright, but don't ever go online. Wait until you're 16 to be traumatized by that fandom...
16: Hey! You're Mary Shelley's age when she wrote Frankenstein. Write that cringe sci-fi novel! You will never publish it, but that's okay. You'll learn alot from the experience!
21: Oh, historical fiction? Good luck, you'll be on it for five or six years. But you will learn so much about India in WW1 and the Quit India movement. Also, you'll have a thing for penguins. Yeah, it's weird.
26: WTF is this?!
28: Still not published anything? That's okay. You'll emerge out of your cocoon with a comic about a chicken who's a friar...Yes, I'm being serious...

Imma keep it short…

I will tell her to keep writing, stop procrastinating, and stop writing in script format lol

Check out Whispers From The Juniper Tree on Tapas.

When a person laughs in the story just write that they laughed. Do not write, "Haaaaaaaaaaah haaaaaaah." Your sister will never let you forget it.



I would tell my young teenage self to buy books about writing stories and scripts for comics/movies from Books A Million to become a better writer early on and seek writing partner to aid in the writing process. That way, he'll become a better writer early on rather than later in his mid-20s and then taking scripting classes in late 20s. I don't know if it will help out.

I would tell the younger me that it's okay that your writing isn't the greatest thing to have ever existed. You don't have to be the greatest writer to have ever walked the planet and instead you should just be you and continue learning. I would also tell the younger me that you don't have to put ellipses after every other sentence. That's not good writing.