1 / 33
Nov 2018

I'm a new creator on tapas and I don't really care about getting tips on my comic, I'm happy with how it is right now. But my artist kinda feels sad that we only have 2 tippers. How do I get more tipper?
(my tapas is Forget Me Never, maybe you could give some pointers?)

  • created

    Nov '18
  • last reply

    Nov '18
  • 32


  • 2.6k


  • 9


  • 40


  • 1


This topic has some amazing advice

oooo THAT SOUNDS INTERESTING! Do you think that "ink" is the first step to this system?

I still don't get the reward system xD to be honest i have a hard time understanding what tippings are as well...

Tipping is a system when readers can donate coins/ink which can be converted into real money for them (and a small percentage to Tapas)

ink/coins can be earned watching ads, in events or by buying them. (some people buy them to support Tapas and their favourite creators)

The reward system is an idea Lord Vincent suggested to incentive readers to tip.

For example "for every person who tips 1000 coins/ink i will give them some merch"
(the numbers used in the example above are NOT a reference)

Is kinda similar to the system Patreon uses.

Tipping is when readers give you coins (which soon will be ink). I check your comic which still hasn't unlock it you can email (at this time cause of the special inking event, this is not always the case) to have it unlock if you still haven't reach 100 subs (the standard way to do it).

As for the reward system mention in a post, is for you to reward the top tippers with something (say special art piece, cameo in comic, etc). Is easy to see who is the big tipper after all.

the 100 subscribers are required to enable ads. Tipping usually requires 250 subscribers, but as you say, during this event you can mail the staff to enable tipping even without the sub requirement and as long as you have a comic on Tapas.

Ufff...I though 100 was for tipper, didn't even know about the 100 for ads....THANK GOD FOR THE EVENT THEN! xP

Wut? I can email the stuff to unlock the tip thing even though i don't have the required numbers? O__o are we sure about this?

Yeah, that is how I unlock mine and other people. This is cause of special event going on. You can see all the details on the pin thread about the change from coins to ink.

A reward system? Has anyone else used something similar in the past? What kind of rewards would a writer/novelist offer?

The power of asking nicely is really strong around here. The admins are very responsive. Do you want me to message you the email? Or did you find it?

I might have found the STAFF user here on the forum and sent an email, but i don't know if i caught the right people xD

It's Michael Son. I believe I have their name spelled correctly.

There are more details in this link

But how successful has it been for other users? Has anyone here used it recently? Have you used a rewards system? I'm eager to know more about it from a writer's standpoint.

Personally i havent used it yet and don`t know other users who use this system, but @LordVincent shared his experience using it in the link i shared with you.