Not gonna lie, that was an awesome design, but you're right, it won't fit with the rock comedy
@lunaartemisasama More research! Don't completely scrap it, it could be used as a gateway to serious topics and one that could seriously impact the reader and leave them with a good impression of your writing
@dawgofdawgness Murder is definitely irredeemable. That's why I made someone a big scale bank robber (doesn't kill people just hurts them) instead of a murderer because that would ruin all her characterization and would not allow the reader to sympathize anymore with her after that. Who was the murderer gonna be? i strongly suspect Anton
@stnmaren Yeah, that line is creepy, but it has a murder sh- wait what!?
WelllIII....I've completed a script that deals with demons, warlocks, and cosmic horror; the story itself goes from the 1970s to the 1990s. It's centered around a young woman who suffered severe amnesia (losing years of memories and thinking she's 6 years old), and the sheep with red eyes that followed her. And this series is
a part of a larger series that connects several stories because of a cosmic horror event that essentially threw the world in a fit of panic and an existential crisis.
Long story short -- in the final act of this script, she's condemned as a witch by a fear-stricken town and was nearly burned at the stake (she did suffer some serious burns). I had to rewrite the scene several times because of how messed up it got.
Well that was a pleasant image at 10 pm
@Jenny-Toons I would read the hell out of that!
I have a lot of dark scenes in mind, and I decided not to hold back in one of my comics, which I also call my "rebel child" because I just throw all the gruesome ideas in there. Which includes horrible character deaths, tragic pasts, torture, drugs, some gore, etc... yeah.
I actually thought people will dislike the comic, but it has over 1K readers so I guess people just like to read something dark from time to time haha
I guess it's not as bad as torture and other stuff described here,
but every time I have a story with romance and "overcoming a struggle/ bad guy" I play with the idea of giving the reader the happy ending..
AND then kill one of the characters off.
Like the final battle, they win, but one of them doesn't get help fast enough and dies on the other one.
Or them being happy but then something "out of control" kills one like a car crash or something.
It's not even THAT relevant to the story since it's the end. I just feel drawn to it because it would in some cases be more realistic.
But if I think about it I hate it when that happens. It always makes me cry, cause you watched them grow and struggle then finally they made it. And then they just die.
I cannot think of a time I have done this. There was a scene in Alien Fiction that I almost cut. The character Shiva (one of the aliens) does something involving a human toddler which renders Shiva almost unlikable. Shiva is my wackiest comedic character in an already goofy story, so I stood to lose quite a lot, but I decided to keep it because the aliens are not supposed to be trustworthy, and they seemed to be getting too likable to my mind. I won't go into details here because it's technobabbly sci-fantasy nonsense and would take too long to explain in a story that nobody reads.
I have one in my storyline which includes some torture at some point, but the original rough of it was waaayy too graphic. Not something that I'd actually want to draw or find reference for now that I'm actually making the comic! xD Nowadays I find ways to imply the graphic content in these instances than be direct with them. Makes it creepier, and also less jarring to look at.
o_o I totally would love to see the scraped scenes! My original script and drawings have plenty of gore and violence. Murder, torture, abuse...But readers seemed to be under the impression is a "cute" adventure comic I toned it down...a lot. I had to redraw the "wolf killing" scenes, and in the future I will avoid gore. I don't regret it though, because I want people to enjoy it and there will more "tasteful" violence and lots of blood!.
I have a lot of dark topics in my comic but I don't really want to glorify the worst parts. I don't cut plot points but instead I try to only hint at certain topics or show them without making it too much for the viewers. I don't mind blood or a bit of violence but I don't want to revel in it. I also always want there to be some hope in my comic, even if things gets a bit dark at times.
One of the hardest parts I've had to actually ponder about is the backstory of how one of my characters lost their arms. It's caused by an accident but the character is young at the time, so showing a child going through something horrible is something I really want to avoid. I spent a lot of time thinking about how I'm going to do it and I decided that I'm never going to show a flashback but only have the character talk about it. That way I don't have to cut the backstory out.