42 / 62
Feb 2020


I published my very first novel series online via Tapas.
I had at least one reader who was genuinely interested in my story and continues to follow its progress.
I received over 100 likes and over 50 subscribers for my novel.

I hope to gain at least 100 new subscribers/interactive readers.
I hope my novel is selected for promotion by Tapas.
I hope to publish volume two of my novel series.

My goal for last year was simply to finish my first novel. Which I did. Yay!

My unrealistic goal for this year is to finish writing the second novel. My more realistic goal is to finish writing the draft of the second novel. But maybe if I'm very lucky, I'll have enough time to hit the unrealistic goal as well.

25 days later

My main goal last year was to have at least one completed work on Tapas. Which, for the most part I did (though they're not perfect and need editing). My goals this year are to complete "The Moulin Rouge", start a new project, and fully edit one of the other projects I have on Tapas. Rather ambitious, but we'll see how it goes.

My main goal last year was to reach 50k on NaNo with my novel. I haven't began publishing and haven't known about tapas yet.

In 2020 my goal is to finish the first draft while I upload the novel as a series. Also, the ultimate goal is to have people who are actually interested in my story. I want nothing more than that, just a few is fine who I can talk with about it and they're just as excited as I am. :3

Goals huh? I guess a video game, movie and live action adaptation would be nice.

JK :smile:

I would be happy just to see people reading my story at all.
That and being able to improve as I write is what I really want. A little honest constructive criticism goes a long way when it comes to doing things you enjoy.

2019 Goals I Met:
:heavy_check_mark: Start web-publishing my serial
:heavy_check_mark: Write 50K more words on the aforementioned serial for NaNoWriMo (waves at all the other Wrimos in the thread)
:heavy_check_mark: Keep up with a weekly publishing schedule

2019 Goals I Didn't Meet:
:x: Get 25 subscribers (I'm 20% of the way there?)
:x: Finish drafting the first arc of my serial
:x: Keep up with weekly blog posts

2020 Goals:
:black_circle: A handful more active/commenting readers
:black_circle: 10 subscribers
:black_circle: ANOTHER NaNoWriMo dedicated to this project

Like superheroes with twisty pasts and supervillains with convoluted schemes and forbidden amulets and a giant anthropomorphic bird and orphans who shoot blue light out of their hands? Maybe you can help me reach my goals. :slight_smile:

Goals for my novel:
Start the thing- done
Finish it - not done
Get 100 subscribers- not done
Make something I'm proud of- depends on the day

More than anything I want people to read my weird little story and let my characters survive one novel and hopefully into a series. I love writing and would like to get better at it so any criticism would be welcome.
Thanks and enjoy!

The ultimate goals I fell short of was getting more content written and getting the word out about my various works. I did however get four books written thoughout the year so I am somewhat happy about that.

My biggest demon is editing. I want to finish editing both the novels and finish their sequels. Especially Blood & Cupcakes which has existed since November 2013. I need to stop changing things and post it as is, edit to reflect my improved writing style but stop seeking perfection.

Putting in the work to edit and being brave enough to share are my goals.

12 days later

Well, my goal for now is to reach 80 subs and 1k which isn't a lot but I appreciate every follow I get and it's more than I had initially expected anyway.

Hope everyone here sharing and commenting reaches their goal soon! Have a lovely day :sunny:

My goals for 2020 are to update consistently and gain subscribers, and to finish at least one of the four stories I have up right now.

A new fantasy I've just started.

A fantasy I started a while back.

A scifantasy story about a group of pioneers on a new planet.

A dark superhero story set in the fictional story of Mystica.

I want to try and be bold.

2020 Goals:

  • Finish Book 1 of the project I'm currently working on
  • Hope for 500 subscribers, but at least reach 80 (One can hope)
  • Polish my work and set an outline for Book 2
  • Again, hope that I'm able to see a glimpse of what life would be like if I did this full time

Trying to be bold.

I want to finish the novel by summer :slight_smile: .

I'd love to have at least 100 subs before the end of year. I'm so new to Tapas that it's heard to gauge the feasibility of that. But one can hope!

I'm looking at getting 200 subs on the following sooner or later! Both LGBT+ novels I finished writing offline last year.

Just finish the damn rewrite (the good news is I've got a 30+ SHORT chapters lined up that hopefully won't need too much work) and find at least 1 reader :joy: I'd be outright shocked with a like or a sub or a comment :astonished: (ain't gonna' happen until I've probably posted the part where the plane goes down, or when the girl gets the, euh... nope, not going to give away the plot :smiling_imp: ).

For me, I decided to go small.

  • Write over 15k words or around 10 chapters
  • Create a banner
  • Keep up with the weekly schedule.
  • This is also a reboot of my already-existed story, so I want to move the plot passing the point where I left off.

Overall to develop a community that can uplift creators alike.
-I want to gain at least a 100 subscribers to my series. (I hope that is a safe number)
-Update regularly until finish.
-Build up my creative abilities!

My Goals for 2019 was to start my comic (which I managed to do) and to get my comic into full color which I didn't do until 2020. My goals for 2020 is to get at least 50 subs and hit 1k views

Goals for 2019:

  1. Stop rewriting.
  2. Establish my story plot
  3. Improve my writing to satisfactory (my standards for myself may be a bit too high, but oh well)
  4. Publish the rewritten story, and as according to my first goal, this will be the last rewrite in a long while, or never.

1, 2 and 4 goals worked out, and somewhat at the third.

As to my 2020 goals:

  1. Share the story to a 100 subscribers, at least.
  2. Improve my art skills so that I can draw some concept art.
  3. Gain more interactive readers (commenting etc).

Also, this is my first time using forums.

1 month later