8 / 20
Oct 2024

Like I've said many times before, I'm a new author here on Tapas, and it's been great getting to know my fellow creators!

But I do have a serious question: Is it typical to be in the top 50 within your first week of publishing? I'm not trying to be self-centered. I just expected to be a lot lower on the list. Any thoughts?

  • created

    Oct '24
  • last reply

    Oct '24
  • 19


  • 337


  • 1


  • 38


  • 1


Looking at your stats, you've updated daily this week, so apart from your story being new, the constant updates will give you a boost in the rankings. Your story is also tagged for the current contest, so you'll likely get a few more views from that. Also, when you have lower stats you don't need as much interaction (views, likes, subs, comments) to get bumped up the list. That's why you'll see new stories with only a handful of reads rank pretty well.

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I got curious and went looking at some of the other higher ranking novels, and this one, with only 1 chapter with nothing written except "teaser" is ranking pretty high lawl :ok_hand: That title is really driving the stats for click rate

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Naming is a big thing. I had to rename one of my chapters. It was titled "HR Disaster" and a majority people read the previous and the following chapter, but skipped that one LMFAO @BreeBaxter

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I got the push notification from the tapas app a moment ago and laughed so hard. Track those stats, babe xD

If only it were number 42... Then my series would be the answer to life, the universe, and everything... :smirk::yum:

I just looked at mine (and had to count manually :sob:) And I’m in 46- but only in the drama genre for comics. I could probably scroll for years before finding it in the “all genres” :sweat_smile: I’d say you’re doing pretty well. Although there might be a little less competition for novels (Idk)

Also congrats to @2DLenzy 49th in drama :0

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Click on Community on the tapas homepage, then click on Novels (or webtoon if thats you). Then click on your 1st category (the 1st thing you tagged it as, it wont show up in others). Yours is action fantasy, so scroll until you see your novel. On PC you have to count manually, but on your phone it'll show your place number.

@BreeBaxter you broke (beat) the system, and you have the top 5 places for comedy what the heck lolol I guess fake it till you make it works on Tapas? xD

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No content equals money. Its why so many copy paste books bring in huge fan bases lol

WHHHHAAATTTT?! I gotta see this now!

Edit: Wow, I am there. Wonder how that happened. I did post a day late...no pressure on me O.O

Edit2: Not to burst y'all's bubbles, but I just realized this list is based off day/time of upload, not actual rank. But no matter, i'm riding this high to keep me motivated XD