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Sep 2018

I was doing some work and my laptop isn't that powerful, so after closing and re opening the file I''ve lost few images, The pics are still there But I can't open them, anyone who has Illustrator (a 64 bits version) could do me the favor to open it, and export as a compressed PDF to me? and even edit it so it wouldn't weight that much

I don't have illustrator, so I'm afraid I can't help in that respect.
However there is an open source vector art program called inkscape that I believe can open illustrator files.
I don't know if it can solve your issue but it might be worth a try.

Erm, I can try to, but do you mean the images are embedded? Is that why they're not showing up? If they're embedded, you might have accidentally deleted or renamed them.

This is what happened.

I added few images and a shadow (with gaussian blur) but to keep messing with the blurr i had to save, close and open again. when I did so Illustrator told me, the file is too big try to open it again with 64 bits version, then opens the file but almost everything is missing.

Everything is in the file but i can't open it on my computer

Thanks to the dear sir Kytri i was able to open it and at least export as png on Inkscape but i need to be able to work on ilustrator with that file

Gotcha. You can feel free to PM the file to me and I can see what I can do.


Guys thanks a lot you really helped me and saved my life!!