4 / 10
Mar 20

There are only so many you can get from the forums, and everyone wants a sub back. Try other means of SocMed like X, FB and YT, or even paid ads on google to get subs from outside the tapas community.

yep, I haven't gotten any new subs in a while either. it is what it is ig

I have received a few here and there but nothing substantial in recent months. Been on other sites as well so I am getting readers via other means but most stick to the site they know so it doesn't effect Tapas.

I’ve never engaged in sub for sub so my monthly subscriber has always been somewhat consistent to maybe nine per month so for me nothing has changed.
I would expect that after a certain time, series settle down at a slower growth rate, after all the regular users who might subscribe have already done so. And growth becomes roughly equal to the number of new regular users that discover your story.

Comic dubbing helped me a little :laughing:

What is that? An I am guessing that is only for comic how do improve as a novel not comic yet?

I would expect that if the series is finished or not being added to but i actively have 2 chapters added per week. I am also engaging on here and other social platforms. I go back and edited and improve previous chapters. I also always comment back when ever I notices subscribers engagement towards the book.

I don’t think what I said would change because you put a lot of effort into promoting your story. Not everyone is interested in reading every story, and that is okay. Everything you do to promote improves your chances but it does not guarantee success. It’s probable that despite your best effort you end up in the place I was talking about. In some aspects, new readers and subscribers fluctuate like the stock market.

I've had the best two months subscriber-wise in Feb-Mar that I've ever had. 98 subs since 1 Feb.

That said, I agree with @CarltonIsaac - you promote on the forums a lot but there's just not that many people here. Once we've all subbed, making new sub4sub posts can't really help. You have to find non-Tapas places to promote and bring readers to you. I don't know how you do that with a novel, but I post my comic behind schedule on lots of other places and that helps a bit!