2 / 26
Jul 2022

I feel like I'm way more likely to be emotional about my own characters since I'm so invested in their stories.

I was kinda surprised when I cried writing multiple parts of my script! It was super helpful in writing the scenes themselves since I kinda went "what would be even more devastating for me, reading and writing to have happen? " And then I did that :cry_01: I also had a lot of build up since I wrote my script linearly so when the scenes finally happened I really felt what it meant for the characters.

Whether readers will feel the same... who knows tbh. I'll have to see :sweat_02: Either way, I'm happy with the scenes and their impact in the story.

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Yeah.... There's a scene in my comic that I knew was coming, had written years ago, and NEEDED to happen... and it was still brutal to draw. MC doesn't ever really get over it for.... decades, really.

(My readers know which scene I'm talking about. I'm so, so sorry. It hurt me more than it hurt you, I promise.)

Not cry per se but it does make me uncomfortable when drawing my main character, Lyza, getting hurt or cut and bleeding. I can draw her beating the villains up and that's fine but when I have to draw her getting attacked and hurt, it makes my heart sink. I think I'm a bit attached to the character that makes me feel this way but Lyza is a toughy, that's for sure.

Sometimes; depending on what my mood is while I'm writing.

I tend to listen to my "sad song" playlist when I'm writing emotional scenes to get me in the zone/ emotional state... Which then leads to me tear up a bit. I think it really helps me dig into my characters a bit deeper. I don't know if my readers will catch the same feels, but at least I'm satisfied with the end result. xD

A lot of my work was basically personally therapy; a lot of lines were directly from my own thoughts when I was in a really dark place emotionally, and choosing to make my characters struggle analogous to my own issues with motivation and actually creating my book help me think through a lot of these issues and transcribe my own thoughts and solutions.
Just hope the reader has the same reaction.
Or actually sees it.

Hm, I don't think I have during the act of writing or reading it afterwards, but yes - sometimes I think of a scene when half asleep in bed, and it makes me cry. And that's how I know it's good, and need to be written down XD

I don't write my script linearly, but there's still a lot of 'buildup' for those scenes I 'experience' because of how long I've spent with the characters over the years when developing them, their minds, their background, their relationships and their world :'D

Yes! My rule is if I don't cry, how can I expect anyone else to? I have the same thought with any other type of reaction I want (laughter, disgust, surprise).

I just keep changing details around until my eyes get wet. Lots of what you've mentioned in asking myself what would make things worse if I were a reader. I haven't gotten to any sad part yet, at least with this comic, so I'll see if it's successful.

There are some scenes in my series that are devastating but necessary to the plot. Including several that haven't happened yet. The raw, visceral emotions have indeed made me cry. 🥲 It's hard to hurt my fictional children (even when needed)!

Absolutely! After I finished writing my final chapter of my first novel - an emotional chapter too - I was bawling my eyes out!! I didn't realised how attached I'd become to my babies, and what I did to them just killed me too..! :cry: It does make me wonder if its impacted any reader similarly, haha

Not quite yet, They are drafts and sketches so it's limited. I'm trying to do it justice in the comic production.

Well, I have never straight up cried, but I did shed a few tears here and there when writing certain scenes. My series is pretty tragic and there's lots of sad things going on, but there also are some moments which are either so wholesome they made me cry or so depressing they made me cry. I remember shedding some tears towards the end of chapter 53 and the beginning of chapter 54 and also chapter 77 and 110, which were devastating.
Of course, these are just the numbers of the chapters for the script, the manga has gone down a different path (slower pacing, new scenes added) and the chapters don't match anymore.

I'm sure I've cried while writing certain parts, but I think what I usually get is "oh gods, that is disgusting!"

There was a scene that went public pretty recently where I had written it, gotten nauseous, and then realized that if someone like me - someone who is rarely disgusted by things that happen in real life - could feel that way, then most of my readers would feel the same.
When I got to drawing it, I even thought "Would it be grosser if I added this small detail?" and then I did. :sweat_02: I'm sorry readers, but it's for the sake of the plot !

I tend to emote with my face when thinking about different scenarios in general so it happens when I’m writing as well. I’m one of those people who laughs when writing a laughing emoji. :grin:

So yea, I remember a time when I wrote an emotional scene that made me shed a few tears.

Yes my own writing has made me absolutely sob, laugh so hard my sides hurt and squeal with delight, or even cover my eyes at the steamy parts. I think people forget a lot of writers are writing for themselves too so don't be ashamed of it.

A lot of people tell me I wear my emotions on my sleeve so that could be it too. XD

Hehe, I relate to this part :sweat_02:

Writing the last chapter of "Solomon's Time" the comic I collaborated with @RedLenai fucked me up something fierce. It was one of the most difficult experiences I had writing a comic.

Yes & like some of the other replies, it kinda feels like if I can't respond to my characters' situations then how could a expect a reader to become involved & respond? Maybe I like writing sad story parts, I'm not sure. I sometimes think I've always felt sadness with an intensity rarely matched by joy.

It's only ever happened for my current WIP. I just felt so in tune with the story and the character. I figured, if I felt something and I wrote, then maybe someone who's reading it might feel that same way. :cry_02: