39 / 39
Mar 2023

Thanks a lot! I’m so glad I was able to get it done at all. Beginning to endgame. And I did it all while posting new episodes on the website consistently.

Amen to that last part. It’s a dream.

Hahaha, we are one-in-the-same. When I'm writing I'm all :cry:, then when I'm reviewing/editing the chapter I'm like 'mwahaha :smiling_imp:'

My series is a comedy, so there aren't many sad moments, but there are some personal qualities I'll sometimes inject into my work that can be difficult to write.

I made my best friend tear-up with the final FINAL ending of my webcomic trilogy that I had planned... and it was just a small summary. I made her tear-up with the scrapped one too (she's usually my gauge before I post on Tapas since she's always on sites like that). I'm not sure if I'd cry at my own work though. I used to, but now that particular part is... not on.

I do make myself laugh like yesterday. Whenever I write jokes it's like I'm performing a chain of combos since I have this rule where every line has to transition perfectly with one another (I call it the "Ghostbusters Rule"). I have a blast whenever I'm able to make the scene last longer.

I do tense up or get scared as well. Like there's points where I'm like "I can't believe I'm writing this". Usually when that happens I go overboard and we have to cut stuff out.... but we've gotten away with crazier stuff on the site that some of the stuff that I consider overboard might make it through so I dunno.

Just like Fate Zero. Multiple perspectives, philosophical conflicts, etc. I like that.

My story will get to that point eventually. Questioning the moralities of each side :wink:

Only difference is that they are heroic characters.

Yes, it did really close to it recently. A story has to be turbulent just like the real life is. I hope that my story does bring out the emotion on my readers as well that's probably the best accomplishment if you make your readers feel many ways, just like a rollercoaster of life :slight_smile:

Well yes, I make my characters suffer and according to some readers it affects their kokoros a lot :neutral_face::broken_heart: Well, some have commented to me, but so far we have not advanced to one of the most difficult parts that I have written so far. :cry::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:

a few parts have, i find it can give soem gravitas to what i am writtin,and thinking of the implications of it adds to the emotion

I dunno, some of my characters don't actually want to be happy ... and they're also the ones I tend to cry over the most :'D

My question though, is 'Have you spent so much time with sad scenes in your story that they don't make you cry anymore because you've become a soulless husk who's desensitized to horrible things happening to your characters?' :smiley:

Too true. We often put a lot of ourselves into our work, even unintentionally sometimes. For me it's often a character with a lack of confidence (and the fallout from that).

Ohhhh I need a friend like this! You're lucky. :slight_smile:

It's always good stuff. Especially when you can have a reader convinced one side is right, then change their mind. Not easy to do though!

100% agree! The more realistic the emotions, the more people will connect with it.

Sounds like your readers are going to be emotionally WRECKED, haha. (Sorry, I shouldn't laugh.... but also... hahahah poor readers.)

For sure - if it's not just sad, but impacts things on a deeper level, has secondary meaning and consequences, it'll always hit harder.

HAHAH! Not there yet, but working hard on it. Check back with me this time next year. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

:joy: Hahaha, I laugh at this too xD. Yeah, yeah, I'll see what happens when that time comes. POOR READERS!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣:scream:

Not yet but I know for a fact that it's gonna happen real soon and I'm not ready for it but oh well

Way too many times :cry: I might cry more than my readers when I write some parts, I think I’m too attached to the characters and the story :disappointed_relieved:

yes oh lord several times and I can't wait for those scenes to destroy my readers, but oh lord I re-read one of them today and I got so upset so it still packs a punch. I just want happiness for my characters, i swear.

I´m emotionally attached to my characters and it´s very easy to make me cry, the story I´m writing
right now has not and will not make me cry. I have one other story I´m working on with a sad
resolution and a sad backstory of the villain which will probably make me cry when I have to draw it

Hmm, as of now no lol. My series is more on the comedic side of things and I’ve always found it difficult for me to cry with fictional material. I guess something that has made me teary eyed is imagining when I end my series. I think I can finally be proud of myself for being able to complete something so long.

Can I just say that it's not really my fault for making my MC get tortured by a crazy bloodthirsty madman?

1 month later

closed Mar 14, '23

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