1 / 26
Mar 2023

One of the biggest jokes which I consider a compliment is that one of my characters looks like another popular character.

A notable example is that my coworker pointed out my character Jack from Cracking Eggs looks a little like Jon Arbuckle from Garfield! 🤣

I swear this is the funniest thing I’ve ever heard and I love it!

I personally find it amusing because I love Garfield it’s a legendary comic strip and I honestly feel flattered lol.

Have you ever had this happen?

If so let me know! I want to hear about it!

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I could not remember who told me or if someone told me. I can kind of see it (despite not knowing who TF is that)

Plus he looks like a god damn emoji 🧑🏽

Basically any pale blond bastard with long hair

Other instances of this are with other people's own characters (not characters from established IPs), so naturally I will not post it here. Plus some people do not take it well when you compare your characters to theirs.

Also, not a fictional character, but I have heard remarks (directly or indirectly) that he kinda resembles Dave Mustaine

I don't intend, but the coincidence struck hard on my main male protagonist. I presented the illustration graphics of my novel to many of my ghost readers and they compared it side by side with Archer.

I don't see any resemblance there. How come they could make such a comparison?

Furthermore, it is not one, not two, but more than three of my ghost reader tells the same comparison. What's happening here? (@-@)"

I was worried people would accuse me of copying her tho. She wears a skirt and a pullover sweatshirt, so they have somewhat similar styles. My comic also takes place in a mountain area with pine trees. Tho in the Appalachian area, not Washington state.

By sheer coincidence I once drew a guy I'd never met. The whole time I was sitting there not sure where i'd seen him before, pulled out my sketchbook and there he was.
On the flip side, I found a drawing of a person who looks like me. In a way it's like free fan art.

I have seen people try to compare Rilind to some crappypasta characters so I made this a long while back:

My bad, Oregon is right next to Washington, neither of them are where my story takes place.

I can't say anything myself about other characters, but we got a couple of comments on how Eugene looks like Cartman and Gil reminds of Kenny, which I find absolutely hilarious, because they really do! :smile: maybe I need to draw this AU one day lol