

Nugtown USA

I'm Omi. I like demons and monsters.
I draw a manga called City of the Sun

May 13, '17
Last Post
Feb 26, '24
May 18, '24
Trust Level

Something that is dystopian without having anything to do with post apocalyptic events.

"...Alfred. Warm the melons and open up an 'incognito' tab. Tonight we hide from the eyes of God."

By all means if they would prefer to keep the patreon page up and merchandise I have no qualms. I also never said to take it down. But you essentially just rephrased what I said: in order to get sales, you need people who are interested. Few people are interested yet there is a product up for sale (…

I know something pretty important is just learning your demographic, or who your readers are. Find what you have in common with that demographic and steer your art towards it. But, ambitions of selling (patreon, merch sales) are putting the cart before the horse. It's just too soon for it. From what…

I have a hard time believing what you're saying, and it's not because you don't have big number or because of your art, but because you don't seem to know how to market yourself yet. Over the last year i've come to learn some things about self marketing. A lot of people including myself don't want t…

It's the same as when friends aren't interested I think. To each his own and sometimes whatever you're into doesn't have that kind of universal appeal- almost nothing does. Doubly so if your friends are all artists too, since we are generally in competition with eachother they will have even stronge…

Just know, you don't have to admit to what no one has sought to point out! Just don't be heavy handed about most things and you'll be fine, haha

Historically speaking, shojo and girls manhwa have been their big sellers since they discovered their demographic decades ago. They ended up with a whole black market industry just to publish those books in a time when not only was japanese media VERY strictly banned, but the manhwa reading rooms of…

"What does this mean", that's not as easy a question as it seems to answer because it's so dependant on what you want. "What does this mean" -kind of nothing. "What does this mean to me" is a lot, more than what it makes you feel, where are you going and will you get there? When? Who is reading it, …

Of course. Most of the people are referenced from people i've encountered, and i've also met a ton of weirdos from across the whole spectrum of oddballs and fringe dwellers so I have a pretty deep well to draw from. One thing I don't like about some writing is how one person's lack of lived experien…

Oh talk about it. The first time this ever happened to me, it was someone trying to flatter me first just to get me to sub to their story which barely even had anything even there to read and was never continued. The second time was kind of recently where the same thing happened to me and someone tr…

The other week we were sitting in at a restaurant one lazy afternoon with only two other groups there. One of those was a couple who tried to somehow include me in his conversation 15 feet away, and the other was some poor old lady who looked like it could be his mother trying to have lunch with her…

I take issue with the word "deep" since it's got some negative connotations as some nebulous metric to define what's valuable in a work. But things can have an objective level of depth and these are pretty good (fairly over the top haha) examples of something which aren't made to because that's not …

Watch classic films and shows and come to your own conclusions if that's even possible.

This idea of what defines loneliness feels like it comes from a very cut off space and I find that interesting. These things are in the head to an extent. I always had strong beliefs about the difference between what it means to be lonely and what it means to be in solitude, because it always seemed…

It is really hard to figure out what you're saying, my guess is you're asking about whether you should do perfect clean lines or something rougher. I like the one on the right a lot more because I like loose, sketchy and impressionistic linework in art. I'm okay trading imperfection for art that fee…

I don't need organization, it disappoints me [image] my desk looks the same at all times. the only thing that changes is whether there is paper on it lmao

Bad. In fact, that's kind of the reason I barely touch webcomics. I'm aware it's pretty normal for webcomics to not be able to remain consistant and that's just the name of the game, but I think not only I but other people need some expectation to keep our attention... actually, I think other people…

I think it's possible to learn comedy and learn how to write good jokes. The Simpsons (personally, up to season 7 some people put it slightly past that) have some of the most memorable bits in comedy and are a great example of something you can learn from. I like to take note of things that make me …

I believe if you only add more pages to an episode only your subscribers will see it.

If you sent an email to tom asking for help he actually replies in a timely manner.

I have three other stories in my backlog i'd love to start, but echoing the words of an earlier poster any comic is so much of a real undertaking that for now I can only handle one... this is even speaking as someone who has the freedom to take on as much work as they want. Plus i'm a believer in no…

I'm so sorry I NEVER want to hear the words "child" and "slut" used in the same sentence. But carry on.

Short answer, they weren't. Long answer, even in America there was unbelievable strife and political tension, violent crime was also higher. Across the pond you had violent wars going on in eastern europe. Economically in America though? Things were bangin', you could actually buy a house on a media…

Interesting. I didn't really know the difference myself until a little while ago when I made the effort to start looking around. It seems to me like some people distinguish them partially on format and partially presentation. In my own understanding, the difference was that a graphic novel is compos…

L4D2 Shame there won't be a thing like it ever again.

come for the violence, stay for the drama

To be fair I don't think he's a troll at all. An overabundance of questions seems normal for people who aren't neurotypical though.

I can agree but there's some times when i'm not sure I can. The shittier, more badly written, more confusing older version of my comic did GREAT and it was taking off faster than I could keep up with. But it suuuuuucked. I've had time to think about what I did right as much as what I did wrong. Bu…

Technically already have. Didn't spend much but it ended up being a dead end anyway. I'd do it again if I had more confidence that there were someone else behind it instead of it just being a crapshoot.