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Nov 2023

Let me elaborate because the title is pretty vague. In photoshop, holding shift will allow you to draw a straight line in a single direction, and depending on which angle the canvas is rotated at, you can either have said lines be vertical or horizontal. Knowing how it works, I've been using it heavily for making backgrounds and making sure things are at perfectly straight, as shown here:
Note: the numbers are the angles I drew the lines at

Now Photoshop has not been kind to me this year, due it crashing more times this year than it has in the previous 3 years I've used it. Thats why I wanted to draw my second chapter, and future chapters going forward in CSP. But, obviously, CSP does not preform the same as Photoshop and holding down shift no longer allows you to draw a straight line given the rotation of the canvas. This, and my general unfamiliarity of the program is why I've decided to stick with photoshop for Chapter 2.....at least assuming it would rain stable enough for me to use proficiently. A recent development has come up that has made that impossible because now photoshop is crashing every day now. And the only way to stop this would be to buy a new graphics card which are not cheap mind you. I don't think I can last 3 to 4 months if its going to be like this, but I dont know how Im going to be drawing backgrounds in CSP so Im pretty much caught between a rock and a hard place.

So to just cut straight to the point...HELP!!!!

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    Nov '23
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    Nov '23
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May have misunderstood your question, but in CSP you click, hold shift, then click, to make a straight line between the points.

I didn't go into detail with how it works in CSP since I would have a hard time describing it XD but the way it works in CSP is a problem for me because I don't know how I'm going draw backgrounds going forward using this method. Its seems very inconvenient and I'm not really sure why its designed in that way :sweat_01:

you could use vectors, the curve pen also does straight lines when holding shift,
edit: I mean this one, (the one selected, check the icon)

also, if you use the polygon tool, and select the option, star ratio, you can make a cool perspective tool.

Does that work in CSP? Im mostly asking about that since Im far less familiar with it than I am with photoshop

As someone whose had to jump through a bunch of different programs (2D and 3D) Clip Studio accommodates a much more efficient work flow than Photoshop just because of what the program UI's were designed for. It's might be the learning curve getting you? All of the functions are still there in much the same way as photoshop (ESP if your not doing any photo editing and are just drawing/painting), rerouting your brain to the new hot keys can be difficult at first

I soon understood that the moment I began drawing in the program. I was planning on continuing to use photoshop for my comic while also drawing in CSP, at least until I finished my second Chapter...with the expectation that photoshop would be relatively stable. But thats not the case now. I was not expecting crashes to become a daily thing anytime soon yet here we are, and to be honest, I dont think I can deal with it for 93 pages.

This is bad because now I cant learn CSP at my own pace. I have to now fast track it just because I don't want to have a freaking aneurysm (or risking my mental health) by continuing to draw in photoshop. Im panicking right now (if you couldn't tell that already for the op post) :cry_01:

Deep breath! You got this!
Breaks are important and you NEED to take them in order to be productive with anything art based. Non-negotiable. Drink water. Eat a snack.

Look up a few guides for the operations you use most to get them set up in CSP. I usually make a hand written list of the new hot keys that I need to use so that I can refer to it while drawing instead of looking it up every time I forget.

As for Photoshop crashing regularly: Uninstall and reinstall it. This has fixed it most time I have issues with it (takes a while tho, so do it while taking a break!)

There is literally a straight line tool. (and curved line tool also).

@KennethLopezJr921 I 100% feel your pain. As someone who went from a shift = straight line program to CSP... It's frustrating. In the "figure" category I use the straight line tool for my straight lines. If you want to make a straight line using different brush, first you have to save that brush as a preset.

And then select it from here.

You could also make straight lines by turning on the grid and setting your pen to follow it.

Hope this helps!

I did toss around the idea of taking a break after finishing my first chapter but that was dependent on when I finished it and the state of exhaustion I would be in after finishing it. I decided to jump into beginning drawing chapter 2 a couple of days after finishing chapter 1 beginning with scripting, since I didn’t feel tired or burnt out. But honestly, perhaps I shouldn’t jumped into it this early since I wanted to switch from Photoshop to Clip Studio.

Though to be fair, I was expecting photoshop to not crash daily when I made the choice to stick with it while also practicing in CSP. I am good most webcomic artists in this community I’ve talked to use Clip Studio a lot so I pretty much have walking ensyclopedias to refer to.

Also I’m not sure uninstalling it and reinstalling photoshop will be a fix. This has been happening all year and most things I’ve tried have Bourne no fruit and at best have been only temporary reprieves :/.

There are quite the ways to make lines in CSP

Method 1.
Click (No need to hold) press SHIFT and hold it, click again in desired area, a line will appear about where are you making your line. (If not, check your hot-key settings if it's not configurated properly)

Method 2.
This is the one I use while working on my Samsung Tab A7 Lite, so it doesn't take much nor isn't a lot of effort, Straight Line

Method 3.
Lineal rule, click and drag. Then when you use the brush it won't go sideways

Method 4.
Perspective rule. Same thing with the previous one, the brush will follow the guide's intersection points (Red)

It is configured properly for Method 1 and its probably my least favorite.

I have not tried methods 2 and 3 yet but someone did tell me about method 4 so I could use a combination all of 3 of those (idk how Im gonna use method 1 for anything I create :P)