8 / 33
Sep 2024

Ooh does Victor also speak Spanish?? I wonder if that helps him well working at walmart- i mean walmarket??!!?

Does being from another planet count? Who has natural blue hair, green eyes? :laughing:

Basically all of these are fit this.
Henry and Autumn entered the West continent from the East, Autumn carrying Spring with her, and Larry's mom came from a country closer to the North continent.
Also it is relevant to all of them since Spring and Autumn where escaping from danger from their homeland, and Henry and Larry will visit his mother's family in volume 2.

Yes he does. He likes speaking Spanish more, but is fluent in English too. His dad doesn’t speak Spanish, and I feel like Victor would intentionally speak it to annoy and leave him out of conversations. Although, they haven’t had many conversations (all three of the family members) together, due to his dad’s jail time. Actually his dad is bilingual too- but he speaks some infernal demon language and English.

It could come in handy at some point in Walmarket, who knows? 🤷

While the modern concept of a nation-state doesn't really apply to the political entities in Trespasser, with the idea of migrants also being less than applicable. At best, you could describe the more organised communities as City-states.

Within that context and if we were to look at the core of what a migrant is, a person who chooses to live within the borders of a different political entity, within which they were not born, then the case could be made that Kyara is a 2nd generation immigrant to Oasis.

Both her parents were born and raides outside the borders and cultural influence of the city of Oasis. It's actually going to play a minor part of the story in the upcoming 3rd Chapter.

So I have two migrants. A 1st gen in the form of Cathrine and a 2nd gen in the form of her daughter Kyara. ((Though I'll admit, I had to stretch the definitions and apply legal logic of our current day to a world where that doesn't really apply))

Oh I think knowing more than two languages is called a polyglot? I always wanted to learn a bunch of languages but I’m only okay at Spanish and just have a bunch of various vocab words from different languages. But now Victor can put in his resume that he speaks Fluent English and Spanish as well as knowing a little bit of a Demonic language!!

I only know two languages 🥲

And one of them is English, so that barely even counts.

And my French is so pisspoor, I wouldn't call it "knowing a language" haha. German is a complete disaster, high school failed me and the one year of university I took, well... let's say there's a reason I quit after a year haha.

So I'm stuck with only Dutch and English.

Yeah same I’m only really familiar with two languages and one of them is just my native language :sob: English too. Spanish I’m pretty okay. But I only know a few phrases in Japanese, Mandarin and by extension a tiny but Cantonese but I think I’m better at reading it than anything, and my dad’s taught me a bit of Arabic and German too. He’s actually pretty decent in German, and Spanish is his native language. I think he’s probably an actual polyglot so I envy his ability.

Oh I forgot I also speak a little Italian :sob::sob::sob: I didn’t count in tho because it feels like cheating when you already know Spanish

Yep! I know this because of a book XD

I don’t think his dad teaches him demonic until after the main plot is resolved and he’s no longer in jail. Victor doesn’t know that his dad came from the underworld until later. His dad just makes him come on a fishing trip and drops his random dad-lore like “son, when I was your age I lost a bet and got kicked out of the underworld.”

I tend to not talk too much about character's racial backgrounds in my series.

Tho, in my Mental Health Awareness post. Tamara mentions her parents being Afro-Caribbean (Jamaican) in my example for cultural barriers in health.

yeah, my dad is fluent in english and spanish and can understand a bit of portugese while I only know enough spanish to get by buying food and such lol. I'm so jealous of people who can speak more than one language. But i feel like three generations is what it takes to become fully whatever culture your family moved to the country of, and I'm third gen, so barely even Dominican lol.

In Defining Daecon, Leander came to Canada from Greece, and to Greece from Egypt, so he's kinda a double immigrant:

Dionysius came to Canada from Greece, so he is an immigrant:

I should point out though, that the Shapeshifters do not have the same immigration policies that humans do. They freely travel the world and are not bothered by such things as customs, immigration, citizenship, et cetera. If a shapeshifter decides that he wants to live in a colony somewhere, or even if he wants to live somewhere by himself in the woods or desert, he simply does so. Their colonies, heck, there very existence, are kept hidden from humans and they rarely interact with them. You might even have a shifter colony near you!

In WNHCD David was the child of Lebanese immigrants. He was born here shortly after his parents moved here:

Do they count?

Both born in Hungary

Immigrated to the United States when they were very very little.

I was going to say Ernest but Ireland is part of The British Empire at this time.

Also huge spoilers. Huge huge spoilers.

Marilee's fam is Mexican, her grandmother and mother immigrated to the USA when her mother was seven years old

11 days later

How did I forget french maman?

Therese George is a first gen immigrant from rural France

First gen Welsh immigrant

First gen Cameroonian immigrant

Alicia is an immigrant, her grandparents on her mother's side are Mexicans born in Mexico, on her father's side I'm not sure how long her Mexican grandfather's family has been in the states, but her grandmother is Navajo so they've been in the USA for a very long time

Texas is a third gen French immigrant. Chili is a second gen immigrant from Panama, but his family moved from Malaysia to Panama when his parents were kids (his grandparents on both sides were friends)

Bobbie and David's father is from Mexico. He hasn't made an appearance (yet) so I don't have a picture of him. So here's the Rodriguez boys :laughing:

Randy is an immigrant from Cuba

And Gabriel's dad is an immigrant from South Korea!