Alicia is an immigrant, her grandparents on her mother's side are Mexicans born in Mexico, on her father's side I'm not sure how long her Mexican grandfather's family has been in the states, but her grandmother is Navajo so they've been in the USA for a very long time
Texas is a third gen French immigrant. Chili is a second gen immigrant from Panama, but his family moved from Malaysia to Panama when his parents were kids (his grandparents on both sides were friends)
Bobbie and David's father is from Mexico. He hasn't made an appearance (yet) so I don't have a picture of him. So here's the Rodriguez boys
Randy is an immigrant from Cuba
And Gabriel's dad is an immigrant from South Korea!
Such a good prompt! I have two: Otto - 1st Gen Immigrant to US from Switzerland
India - 2nd Gen from Nigeria
You can read about them in my comic Blood Soda! I'm almost at 100 subs if you want to check it our
People from all over the place in this story it would appear. Where do they live, the UN? Or New York City (same difference)
There's a character that I shall not name(because they have not been revealed yet) that has a mother that is from Ireland and immigrated to Germany when she was twelve, but they were born in Germany, but went back to Ireland to stay there permanently but came back when the potato famine hit in 1845 where our story takes place hehe
Everyone in this picture is an immigrant (up to third gen) except for AylaMelly's father was first gen american born to Mex parents
Hermione is first gen born to French parents.
Texas is third gen. French grandparents
They live in the Midwest USA I grew up in a very diverse area there so I put that inspiration in my comic lol
i was joking, but it's cool you lived in and write a diverse environment, it makes the world more colorful
Mil from Life Core
where is Mil an immigrant from?
I live in Japan, and post English manga depicting my life. So, you could say that I'm an immigrant on Tapas. lol
Thanks to the amazing many works here, my English vocabulary has been growing lately.
I only have doodles and croquis of Melly rn, but her father was first gen American immigrating from Mexico.