14 / 14
Jun 2022

Hey so ran across articles about the recent merger with Radish which like, that's fine, I have no issues with that, but a few said that Tapas was going to get into...NFTs and the Metaverse? Which is Not Fine for reasons that all of us know by now.

So like both these articles say about the same thing and I'll just quote it below:

"With this merger, the new company will not only continue to leverage the novel-to-comics model but also expand into other fields such as Hollywood films, television shows, gaming, the metaverse, and NFTs"

Like...is this article correct? or are they just articles scrubbing info from random sources that aren't correct?

Because if Tapas is getting into NFTs I, first off, have no idea how that would even work, but also I feel like that's a red flag for a lot of artists.

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    Jun '22
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Really glad to see them talking about this on twitter. Thanks for linking to it (I was just about to link to the same tweet haha). With these articles, a lot of them are written by bots, so I felt like it would be good to check here where we can hear from human beings.

I'd still keep my guard up, we all still remember how tapas was totally not being sold over to kakao?

@animefanka haha, ah I know, the thing about NFTs though is like...how would they even do it? the thing about the Kakao takeover, that just made sense when it happened...not sure how NFTs could even be implimented.

As a wise man once said, nft stands for no fucking thanks. I’m glad this ended up as just a rumor, who knows how awful it would be if they started.. I don’t even know, selling comics as nfts?

I mean... you can put link to anything on a blockchain and sell it as a nft. I'm just not too trusting of corporations in general
I'm not running away from the site but I'll have my eyes on what's happening with the merge

yeah, I'm hoping it's more about them just wanting to get audio books onto Tapas instead, which would be cool.

We'll see, my guess would be that we'll get even more drowned in translated premium content....

Oh absolutely, like in the merge they also got Wuxiaworld so like...pretty much guaranteed we'll have even more translated stuff.

I'm happy to see the article was false.

I don't want anything to do with NFTs but with that being the buzzword, a lot of companies are thinking/heading into that direction because of possible earnings. From what I saw on Twitter, money circulating through NFTs has decreased. So maybe there's still hope the whole NFT market will die down to the point where it's not even interesting for companies to take part in.

I wouldn't go as far as to call the article false - they apparently copy pasted kakao's press release
So, so far we know that kakao is dealing in crypto/nft, tapas so far is not and it's employees are being told that there are no such plans
What will kakao actually do? We'll see
No reason to pull your series off tapas now but also no reason not to be wary of their actions

1 month later

closed Jun 21, '22

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