9 / 30
Nov 2022

Are you Russian? :smirk:
Anyway, please chant the font, it's really hard to read your post ^^

You want artists to draw 40-80 panels a week for no money initially and then when it earns money, they'll get a percentage share with a team that includes two editors, two proofreaders, storyboard artists and presumably at least one writer, and maybe others? If there are 7 people on the comic, the artist will only get about 14%. Assuming that to create 40-80 panels in the style of the webcomics mentioned (which have very high quality and detailed art), the artist will need to work full time on these comics and so earn a full-time wage for it to be possible (because if they have a job, they just won't be able to produce that kind of output), meaning that each of your series will need to make an income in the region of... $140,000 per year.

....This doesn't sound very feasible for a first project from creators with no established fanbase or proven track record. I'd urge you to reconsider how you're going about this.

Umm, the artist is highest rol for us so he will get the most part of the profits, we ready to give 25%-30% for each work, and so if he do two works he get 60% when still many people work with him

Would this job be under a contract? If yes, for how long?
I'm interested in the line artist position, but I can also be a colorist. I can't do both if the given time for 40-80 panels a week or 2 weeks would risk my health.
I use a pen display tablet and CSP pro, and have been drawing since 2014. Extra skill able to use blender to model 3D props including texturing and rigging, so if in need 3D props you can count on me.
I can do a test if needed.

Looorrrdd unpaid 40-80 panels a week/every two weeks is way too high of a panel count! That's more than a lot of Webtoon originals for way less pay if you manage to get monetised (which is super difficult with comics)

Setting those kind of expectations with little evidence of your writing and storytelling will make it difficult to find an artist.

If you don't mind me asking- what's stopping you from having a lower panel count? I'm not applying, I'm just curious.

Okay, so let's say the artist gets 30% of the profits for making 40-80 panels a week. Wow, now all your project needs is to make around $60,000 per year (and I'm low-balling here and assuming the artist earns under $20,000, which is a very low wage, barely enough to scrape by... And as for doing two comics at once... that's 80-160 panels a week. That's approximately the workload of a shounen jump mangaka. It's just not possible. I've never heard of a person making that kind of money on their very first comic.

You need to dial back your ambitions a bit and be realistic, especially if you want an artist of that level of quality.

We work without contract, but i can make it with you if you want it)
It's your decision, we still didn't find artist so you can choose what you want, sure you can send me example)
Can you do that on discord please?

You don't need that many panels per episode for an action comic to be good- especially since you're starting out and the comic will not be monetised. Many of those 70-200 panel comics have a paid team working behind them, usually contracted by the site they're hosted on.

An episode just needs to progress the plot in some way :slight_smile: I know as an artist even just doing the lineart for that many panels could cause burnout/injury.

Yea i understand, you are obsulutely right, but if i want to make like from 30% to 60-70 i need to fire like storyboard drawer or someone else, and i can't just do that, i tried my best to give as much as i can to only artists.

Thanks for advice, so i just checked the minimal amonut of panels for action genre is 35 so yea i am saying about 40 panels a chapter/week/2weeks

Maybe you do quite understand. Revenue is not guraenteed. Infact, it is incredibly rare to have any sort of revenue assuming you reach that level of getting steady revenue. What you're asking for is a full time job with VERY risky investment.

ignore speling I am super tired

I'll contact you later, preparing my work samples. But right now I still have one more 90 panels episode to complete, so I will have no more work after they are completed which is in the next month will be available.

Me when I read about inking lineart for 40-80 panels a week unpaid

In all seriousness, why a long project immediately? Have you tried a shorter story first? Dip your toes in the water to see if there is an audience for it?

Me when


You just assume you're gonna get that big of an audience within 2 chapters and that the income will be enough to able to share across 7 people. You also assume everything's gonna go perfectly well for the team to be able to produce 40-80 panels a week consistently for over 100 chapters. Of those 100 chapters, you only have 5 written. So you don't even know if your completed story will be worth following and spending years on.

That's a lot of confidence you're putting on stuff with no certainty, my guy

Okay. here's what I'm gathering from everything I've seen on this thread.

1) Getting paid at all let alone enough for 7 people after 2 chapters is a ridiculous expectation. That kind of money doesn't come that quick at all! Ask any webcomic artists on here, even the more popular ones who've been posting for years and they'll tell you they do not get paid enough for one person let alone two.

2) You cannot expect that level of professional art for free (see point above.) And no, having nice art doesn't guarantee success either- it's the storywriting which falls on you/ a writer that will captivate an audience. And you need evidence of your writing work.

3) You are throwing yourself into two large projects and promising money you don't know you'll have. It's risky! There's no harm in writing a short story, hiring an artist and seeing how it goes- way less stressful on both ends.

It seems you're inexperienced with comic making, which is fine because we've all been there. But please do concider what people are telling you on the thread, especially since most of us are comic artists. Especially since promising a financial gain can bite you in the ass later.

I was once contacted by them and offered an artist position. I have a doubt like you and unfortunately, I'm very busy at that time and had to catch my schedule. So I said I'd pass. And before we say goodbye, they told me something and I was surprised.
But I don't want to reveal what I know so far, but I believe they can fulfill what they promised.
I think I might give it another chance to try.