7 / 10
Feb 4

Just played the Oregon trail board game and we added that if a person died you had the option to resort to cannibalism and I was the only person who did cause I was the only person that had family die. I also only ended up having $800 while everyone else had in the thousands. Idk how I did that bad

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    Dec '24
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    Feb 5
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I feel that. Oregon Trail is brutal. As for board games, I find that some of it's luck, some of it's skill. As for luck, I have none. Skill's also debatable for me. :rofl: I'm better at puzzle/mystery/drawing games, and terrible at games like Munchkin, King of Tokyo, and card drafting games. I'm DFL in most competitive games, too. :sweat_02:

I tend to not have the patience for board games. They are a bit too slow and tedious for me.

It depends on the game and of course on the other players.
I'm not good at puzzle types, I think I'm mostly good at games with worker placement, but not in all games. For example I suck at Viticulture :sweat_smile: Oh, and I prefer competitive games.

1 month later

I don't know Oregon trail, but that kind of sounds fun??!

I play a lot on board game arena and it varies from game to game how bad I am, @Ayumi I am also bad at Viticulture! Who knew making fictional wine was so difficult!

My personal issue with board games is that I find them a bit boring and tedious. That sort of causes me to not find them fun at all. The only games that tend to hold my interest are ones that are more interactive like Pictionary or trivia games. I also had a PC game for Boggle which I enjoyed because of how fast paced it was.

I think the worse board game is Aggravation, especially if their is only one die. It makes me so angry, not because I am losing but it just never ends.

I feel like I'm pretty good at board games? But it might be because I feel like I'm expected to be good at them so I'm really focused when the rules are explained to be able to meet the expectations hahaha cx I like games in a '2 of you are a traitor' style the most.

Pretty bad, I can't remember ever winning at Monopoly or Clue.
I do remember it turned out I was the killer in one game of Clue.

I never liked board games, Monopoly is the worst. After 2 rounds you know who will win
and then it´s just endless rounds of that person milking everyone else.

My family and me invented our own creative writing games that we always play
at family meetings