15 / 32
Dec 2020

I do just need to remember that practice does make perfect. I think it's cause it's an expensive piece of kit that I've never owned before so I'm panicing and telling myself it wont work out. Even though I spent years playing around with cheap paints and pencils and not really caring, but my brain likes to tell me I need to perfect these things quickly even though I know it's not realistic. It's not corny at all! It's a good piece of advice that I need to remind myself often (: Thank you.

Our very first computer (I was about 11 I think) in the 90's came with a copy of photoshop and it was a million times better than MS Paint - which is what they taught us at school. Lol! :sweat_02:

This was before YouTube so I just had to play around with it until I could get it to do what I wanted.

I'm still learning and finding out new tricks today. :+1:

There's so many ways to approach digital art, that I think it helps to really look at your traditional approach and use that approach for how you do digital. So like you, I was a traditionally trained painter, and while I did occasionally use digital in college, it was rarely used to do my entire piece. It wasn't until much later that I started doing pieces that were 100% digital.

So, because I'm a painter, I tend to block in shapes rather than start with linework--and that is how I still do it when I paint digitally. I'm getting better at linework--mostly because I did an entirely linework comic to force myself to learn--but I'm glad I didn't start with learning linework when I went digital, or I would have been very frustrated. I went to where I was most experienced, and it helped that transition go smoother.

As for tutorials, I highly recommend looking at artists you really like, because they often have gumroads and youtube channels where they go in depth for how they do digital.

That's a great idea. I tend to over think my art sometimes, and by the sounds of things I need to stop thinking digital art as a whole seperate concept, and just treat it like I would any other piece I'd do on paper or canvas.

That's a very good suggestion! Thank you.

I started this summer when I was very, very bored. I ended up doing so much that now I'm reasonably experienced with a drawing tablet. It can seriously make a style into something far better than it was with just the idea of zooming in, layers, colors, and fixing mistakes. It can also help learn technicalities that carry over to traditional too. Still, I do like making sure I'm not neglecting drawing in my sketchbook either, because having two different modes of drawing will develop your skill at twice the speed.

It really is just another medium! The flexibility and technical aspect of digital can't be overstated, but all those details are irrelevant in the beginning. I would definitely just draw, experiment with brushes, see what every tool does, etc. Pick through the tool and menu options and see what each thing does. Learning the interface is probably going to be the biggest struggle, but thankfully most art programs follow a similar format no matter which you use. (So if you learn one, you'll be primed to pick up another)

Clip Studio themselves have a youtube channel with a lot of great tutorials, so maybe see if they have any beginner ones? You can also look at something like Skill Share.

As you get to know your way around the program more, you'll pick up ways to make your process easier. There are a ton of nifty tricks that you can use to streamline your work eventually. I definitely think it's a good idea to make friends with some digital artists or join a community so you can learn through other people as well!

Much like how I learned to use chopsticks, or how to sew, I just kinda...sat down and did it. XD I asked my mum for a tablet for a high school graduation present 10 years ago, and now I'm here!

It was a lot of tracing stock images, following a ton of tutorials, and becoming a brush connoisseur and having to play Brush Inventory Management Simulator in Clip Studio, which is what I use now. (Seriously, most of my time working on my comic is spent looking at all the assets they have, because I"m lazy and some of them are REALLY GOOD)

Tutorials are def your friend, though; DeviantArt has become a bit troublesome to navigate when it comes to finding said tutorials, but it's still a good repo for them for almost any program (and, most tutorials will carry over between Photoshop, CSP, and sometimes other programs)!

best resource to start that is relatively free is ctrl paint, but i would not recommend for beginners.

if you want to learn foundations -- new master academy or watts atelier is pretty resonable

if you're interested in picture books/cartoon/graphic novels -- svslearn is unbeatable

and then if you just want like to work in the literally like formal tv animation industry there is schoolism and cgma which have some of the concepts but like specialized, but you need to start with foundations.

all of these schools have like tracts you can follow.

so my art started here last year

and now it's like here this year

i have a more realistic style which is like this (watts atelier is amazing with foundations which i would recommend)

and then here is my second picture book which i learned how to format and paint thru like the SVS learn classes

i use clip studio paint for everything. the tutorials are decent as i am kind of doing some pixel art stuff now but just keep working and you;ll get better more effort you put in

I learned to use Photoshop & Illustrator a little bit when I was in art school...but never had the $$$ to outright buy them. I had gotten some (ARRRR :skull_crossbones:) copies through a site, which helped me to get a better grasp on how they worked. I spent a number of yrs trying to get better at coloring and lettering while working on the initial line art traditionally. I also had gotten a tablet, but was hesitant to use it..

Then a peer of mine from Facebook did a piece of one of my characters using CSP(which he bought back then as Manga Studio). I was so enamored by the smoothness of the digital inks and the sharpness of the resolution that I decided to get Clip Studio and try to do digital drawing & inking myself. The first so many months was tough and I'd get discouraged coz I felt like I wasnt progressing at the pace that I needed/wanted to; finally I got to the point where I'd draw a piece and like what I was doing- which encouraged me to do more. Clip Studio forced me to use my tablet more, which allowed me to get better as well as get used to working digitally...

When I started learning digital art, I was already in college, I don't even know what is photoshop that time but
luckily, my professor is a very patient and understanding person.
My professor have to teach me one on one for the basics of programs, and I have to stay at school for longer because I don't have my own pen tab (the school provide it for student use but you can't take it home)
Then I have a nice set of blockmates and seniors to teach me and give me tips from time to time.
Then finally, when I had my own pen tablet in my last year of college, I taught myself by watching some videos on youtube and learning from digital art related books in our library. I can say that I applied my traditional drawing skills in doing digital by being familiar on textures, shadows, colors, lighting stuffs like that then try to interpret it to digital in my own way by playing around with brushes.

After learning several programs I learned that each programs have their own unique set of tools and for what type of digital are they good for (at least from what I observe) like for example:

Autodesk sketchbook - has copic brushes with the actual color codes of copic markers -- which will be easier if you want to turn that art piece into traditional, and want to color it using actual copic markers.
it can also be installed on tablets.

Paint tool sai has stabilizers -- you can use it to control the brush movement so it wouldn't be shaky, and the colors are exact when you save it as JPEG and stuffs.

Photoshop has a variety of blending tool like mixer brush -- which you can use for mixing and blending. You can customize brushes there too and it comes with post editing tools.

Medibang - they have screentones and free resources for manga and comic making, you can also download a lot of brushes. -- and its a free program

Corel painter has gel brush --- good for layering colors and doing semi realistic art since blending and the brushes' texture there are made to be as accurate as possible --- that is if you have the patience to learn each brushes' effect. also its the free program for wacom intuos art

CSP- is pretty much everything, they have nice brushes, you can also customize brushes, they have screen tones brushes, and doing lineart there is really good since it's the result is really clean. and like photoshop they have enhancement tools for post editing your work. I think its the free program for wacom intuos comic but I'm not sure what version it is.

I started doing digital art when I was really young. I didn't have any experience. I started out with MS paint and moved on to other programms like Paint Tool Sai. I learned over time by watching many artists on YouTube. Like LavenderTowne. I also watched many videos for beginners. I recommend looking up the ones for the programm you have since art programms can be different.

I learned by trial and error.

Fine art major here. Originally I was a digital art major but I felt so intimidated by people who lived and created in these programs while I was having a hard time keeping up and grasping how to use them. You'd be surprised how much of your latent fine art skills are transferable. Treat digital art as simply a new medium.

Now after years and years of staying away from digital art, I'm currently working on the first chapter of my webcomic and here are a few things that helped me transition from traditional to digital.

Hardware and software:

A drawing tablet really helps especially if you're used to traditional art so it's great that you're getting one for Christmas. However, if it doesn't feel right, don't feel bad about swapping it out for another. You can go with ones that have built in screens or surface tablets ( like the one I use a medium wacom intuos 5 touch.)

If you're not used to looking up from your drawing surface while drawing, a surface tablet might take some getting used to whereas you can treat a screen tablet like you would a drawing surface. My S/O also got me a new tablet for Christmas but we returned it for several reasons. While it was a nice gesture, my tablet is my work station so I'm very particular about its specifications and my current one works fine so no need to replace it. There were no hard feelings and I'm glad he gave it to me early just to make sure.

If you're ever looking for a replacement..Tablets can get pricy but I always recommend looking for used ones as it's an item that tends to get resold by it's user at some point. I bought mine 10 years ago and am JUST now making use of it.

As far as software. I currently use a "totally" legitimate copy of photoshop cs6, and it's taken a few weeks of playing around with it to feel more comfortable with using the program. I highly recommend downloading additional fonts and brushes before you start any projects as most programs will be pretty vanilla as far as features.

There are plenty of software options though, so look into what will work best for you and what's in your budget. Watching some tutorials on basic program features really helps you learn the hotkeys as well.


It's not going to be easy and you might find some challenges along the way but don't get discouraged if what you're trying to create isn't turning out quite right. Just like traditional art, practice makes perfect so start with some side projects, commissions or practice pieces to get more comfortable in the digital setting.

Hope this was helpful.

No, I am exactly the same way! But please don't feel discouraged if you don't see improvements straight away. Even now, years later, when I compare the beginning of one of my comic's chapter to the end of it I can still see my art improving, the learning never ends haha!

Thank you so much to everyone for all your amazing advice! There's so much here to digest and think about and I'm so appreciative of everyone who's taken the time to read my post and tell me their stories, trials and errors with digital art (: cannot wait to get stuck in and learn more and start creating!

I started doing digital art in 2015, when I found it to be a better alternative to me (I can only buy art supplies online and paying for expensive shipping, so in the long run digital was cheaper). I was drawing traditionally for three years before that, so it also helped.
Most of the things I learnt was through tutorials (videos, step-by-step pictures, image tutorials on DA and Pixiv) and studying the artworks of artists I admire. In the beginning it was hard to get used to the pen tablet, so practice was essential too. The good thing about digital art is that you don't waste materials, so you don't feel afraid of practicing and making mistakes.
Now I'm taking an online drawing course at a site called Class101, it has some great courses for newbies in digital art so I recommend checking if you're looking for a course. But really, you can learn lots of things through free tutorials on the web. :3

I started on MS Paint & Paintshop Pro as a teen, but CSP, Krita, Medibang or Fire Alpaca are good current programs to have fun on (the last three being free, I believe). :slight_smile:

I learnt by experimenting, having fun and just seeing what all the different tools did! For me it's like the equivalent of finger-painting with programs, use everything they have and see what interests you. Once you know what features you enjoy using the most, online tutorials can start to help give you some guidance so you can get what you really want out of the artwork.

I hope you enjoy your graphics tablet! I still have my first one in a drawer somewhere, still works too I think xD

My digital art skills came largely from just observing and paying attention to other artists talking about how they work and learning about new features and techniques that way! I.E. I haven't really watched that many specific tutorials or anything, but moreso just talking with other people about process.

Like when I first started (coming off of a self-taught traditional art background) I basically knew about layers and opacity and... that was about it. Now after a few years of practice I have multiply layers and lighting layers and layer masks and clipping masks and auto actions and selection tools and textured brushes and etc. flying around and I can make cool looking stuff a lot easier than I used to be able to xD

One thing that has recently been interesting/handy is I've recently gotten involved in Twitch streaming, and as a part of that have been seeking out other comic streamers to watch from time to time. It's like another level of watching and learning because you can see people work in real time, and even ask how they did something with relatively instant feedback if you're curious :raised_hands: I don't always use all of the new techniques that I see people using, but I feel like I've learned several this way nonetheless in only a few months.

Watching tutorials on youtube. There are lots of people who make great digital art tutorials for free for various software packages. I use procreate for my comic and started just watching tutorials on the basic tools and abilities of the program and trying to copy their results. I took the stuff I learned from watching those videos and experimented with it to make my own original art.

Two things : pick an art program - doesn't REALLY matter which - and stick with it for like 100 hours until you're used to how the tablet handles. Don't mess with the nitty gritty of the art program itself not doing what you want, but learn how to operate the machine first.

You can't do anything with a brush if you don't know how to hold it. Otherwise it's just chaotic paint happening. Same thing with digital.

That said: I recommend the freeware software paint.net as a good learning tool. It's not as fancy as most programs since it's basically MS Paint, but better. It has layers and some neat tools and it doesn't take a lot of computer power to run. It doesn't have pressure sensitivity though so that's one thing to work around.
But when you're starting, you're learing how the tool works - ie layers, mouse to hand movements, ect.

The second most important things are your buttons on your pen itself. If you have any. Some don't. My pen has an "eraser" so I can flip it if I want to be an erase - but support for that doesn't exist anymore it seems. I also have 2 buttons, one I've shortcut'd to be "right click" and one is "CTRL+Z" a.k.a. "Undo Spam". I know some people are able to do fancy things with keybinds and set up their other buttons to be special tools in their system, like create new layer. Just set them up to whatever works best for you.

@Rhonder - I second the looking at streamers. I wouldn't recommend someone on Twitch honestly, or.... really anyone. Most artists I've seen tend to draw .... like a million times slower than me. Even coloring-wise. I'm not sure why. But they just seem to take eons to get something done that would take me 2minutes, they're still working on... Even "pro" people. To be fair, they're probably looking at chat and such too. I tunnel vision on art and don't care.

I definitely feel that lol. I've not been on the platform for too long, but there have been a few people I've tried to watch that were just unbearably slow. Like, 3 brush strokes in 30 minutes slow even xD But the range varies quite a bit and there are a lot of folks that work at a good pace too- not everyone's like that :raised_hands: It does help to sample around a bit and see who does keep a good work/chat balance though, and sometimes even dig around at the bottom of the list to the people with fewer viewers. It's at least somewhat harder to get distracted by chat when there's no one chatting yet >;D (although I manage to do that on my streams anyways :joy: get sidetracked babbling about random stuff to myself a lot of the time lmao)