7 / 13
Nov 2024

When I'm coming up with storyline, sometimes I think of the dialogue while drawing the panels of the comic but other times, I go as far as jotting down the dialogue in a book before even starting that scene. And sometimes, it's both so it's more go with the flow type of thinking.
I just usually plan the major plot of the story then dialogue comes later on, either while I'm writing or before I start writing.
What about you guys

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    Nov '24
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for my comics, I always plan the dialog before writing anything. I have the episodes scheduled before I draw, and I fit the drawings to the dialog rather than vice versa

Dialogue is always the first thing I come up with. It’s also the easiest part of the comic-making process for me. Idk about anyone else, but dialogue just comes naturally to me.

I get into a trance and channel it. :laughing:

Because I suck at dialog when I use my own mind and think it logically. Ends up sounding too robotic when I read it out loud.

Do something boring like a drive or walk and daydream. Or at your place of work. I had a job that was skilled but didn't take a lot of brain power so I would daydream. My scripts are always fully written before I start layouts, and I always allow my scripts to sit for a day. This allows me to reread it and tighten up the dialogue to make sure it fits the people saying it. Also to cut dialogue that doesn't actually have a purpose in the story. I dislike dialogue for dialogue sake.

I act it out myself lol
I saw once in a documentary that Walt Disney would act out scenes while the artists worked on the movies. I applied this to my process and it really helps the dialogue and movement feel more natural.
This scene for example:

I performed the dialogue myself and kept fudging with it until I could say it quick panicked and clean

I feel like I don´t come up with it and the characters have a life of their own and speak
and it´s really entertaining for me to hear what they have to say

i write up bullet points for the story. Super raw draft. Then use my internal monologue in my mind. And replay it as visuals there then add reactions and conversations.

I have a script written for my comic.

Dialogue is very important to me, and to the type of story my comic is. So it must be figured out beforehand so that conversations a) make sense, b) sound like different people speaking, c) tell you a little bit about that character in how they say things and how they choose to say things in a moment as well.

If dialogue isn't as important to you, that's okay! That probably makes for funnier execution or something. Spontaneous and on-the-fly. :} I'd probably do that for short stories, or a strip!

I feel like I suck at dialogue so what so I try to do is have the conversation playing in my head as I write the chapter. Also thinking about how conversations in real life would occur.

I have a little pit with balls with writen words on them, I pick one randomly and if it makes sense I stick with it.

I write a script and go over it, if something doesn't feel right I scratch it out of the story completely and if it works it works, sometime I edit the script while putting in the comic dialogue in the panels.
But dialogue just comes naturally to me sometimes lol

I also act out the scene as I am writing it down, if it doesn't feel right I reword it and if it still doesn't feel right I scrap it

like this...
It just came naturally to me and when I acted it out it felt right
(Did it in a really weird Scottish accent=)