34 / 35
Dec 2024

I remind myself that creativity is important in this capitalistic world, and that this is the outlet of all my negative feelings that I cannot really speak about.


Curious about the Poppy Contract? Find more about it in this chapter released just this week in Letter Addressed To The Fire!

Letter Addressed To The Fire is a story told in letters, diaries, journals, documents, and the likes, aside from the main characters' thoughts. It is a story about prodigies of rival groups finding solace in one another without knowing who the other really is. It is a bittersweet story that speaks about finding gentleness amidst a cruel world.

Thank you!

27 days later

Am I the only one who often finds watching movies or reading new novels inspiring when you're feeling burned out working on your own? Sometimes reading a story or watching one in the genre I'm writing helps me get into the right headspace to write my own better.

I hear you on rekindling the love of writing through movies/novels. Sometimes, I'll pop in an old sci-fi or romance in the background and try to remember why I'm writing. This happens a lot after I write myself into a corner or cannot come up with what I'm looking for after a couple of drafts. :cry_02:

It helps to put something on that inspires the mood or theme I'm going for in the current chapter. Sometimes, it's lovey-dovey, sometimes it's action-packed. I hope to never run out of inspirational material to keep the creative fires burning.

same, it really helps especially when you have sweet versus sadder slice of life stories to pick from and such too

21 days later
22 days later

Just got through watching Emma Enchanted again, I gotta get into the quirky fantasy writing headspace for my new novel right?

Lol, that's not why, but Prince Char did inspire the classic prince like energy/look I decided to give Christopher George

I also 'can't NOT write'... the problem is, I tend to write the start to a million stories and never finish them.

When I started Believe In Me, I swore that I would finish it. And I just scheduled the release of the last page in chapter 3!

My update schedule really helps motivate me, because i'm very good at having 'well, i need to do this' stuck in my head and not questioning it. But mainly it's when people comment and/or subscribe that makes me motivated <3 I love here y'all like my silly little alien story!!

20 days later

congratulations, and yeah, I do the same thing sometimes, starting too many pieces and not finishing them. It can be a curse to be so inspired eh? lol

I honestly want to see one of my stories completed. I have the bad habit of getting started on a story but later down the line losing interest. For some reason my current novel is the one story so far where I get excited coming up with new characters, wondering how am I going to the mystery of the story. Coming up with new locations for our characters to travel too. Writing what I see I my mind .
Yeah I’ll still get writers blocked but after writing one random sentence the flame is rekindled.

22 days later

i legit just noticed this picture and wondered, is this martial arts or a chicken taking a dust bath? maybe both?

25 days later

Mental Soup has been helping me work through burnout because it's literally just a mental dump site with no deadlines or artistic limitations/requirements. It's definitely more freeing than my other series.

28 days later

I absolutely, positively, whole heartedly... do... NOTHING! :yum: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I do it when i feel like it

or maybe when the next pandemic comes lololololololooooolll :grin: :wink:

Came back to this thread to remind myself to keep going. Got a bit of burnout and need a boost to finish my next chapter. :cry_02: Anyone else feelin' the burn lately?

@Leyelle was kind enough to draw one of my OCs (Aranthus from "Of Lowlifes, Lutes, & Liars"), and that got me out of a funk for days. Been riding that dopamine high for a while; thanks again! :coffee_love:

25 days later

It's been a minute since I've been on this thread, and I know you know I was feeling burnout when I drew Aranthus, but I hope you're feeling better and more motivated now!

Lately a lot of my inspiration has come from my desire to express more different kinds of beautiful women through my art. I'm really passionate about this, so it's been inspiring me a lot lately.

Absolutely! The ideas are coming much easier now, thank you! I just love your drawing of Aranthus; he's perfect!

For myself, I have extremely lofty dreams of becoming one of the best web novel writers due to how long I've been brainstorming and laying out my overall story. Of course, working on it for so long has led to times where I've felt hopeless and futile due to a lack of results from starting out as a nobody online.
Now for the transition, my greatest motivation is honestly to just keep writing and reading. I easily get fixated on works I love, so reading and rereading my biggest inspirations has made me re-realize the end goals I'm striving for. Meanwhile, simply forcing myself to sit down and write even just a few paragraphs of a chapter, even when I'm really not feeling like doing anything related to writing, can spark a similar sense of fixation on my own work, as I'm reminded of how far my own work can go if I just keep trying.

Shameless plug :3