I like my villains...
- Pure evil
- Sympathetic
- Morally gray
- More antagonistic than actually villainous
- Actually an antihero
- Okay, evil, but so cool/attractive that I WISH they weren't evil
- None of the above (add your answer in the replies)
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Tbh, some of these overlap, but if I was to break it down for my novels.
Damsel in the Red Dress has had three antagonists so far, and it will have another one in later books (assuming I get that far. I'll number them rather than listing them by name so as not to give spoilers)
1: Morally gray, more of an antagonist than an actual villain, sympathetic if you knew the backstory (but the MC doesn't so readers probably never will) and also kind of an anti-hero. They have good reasons...kind of...but achieve their goals in basically the worst possible way. also verrrrrry attractive canonically.
2: Pure evil. I have no sympathy for them, but they are attractive.
3: also pure evil, but more of an antagonist than a villain, also pretty, but I hate them with a passion.
Crystal Blue also has a number of villains, and some 'good guys' that are morally gray.
As for 'The Actaeon' he's almost pure evil, but also sympathetic. His snake is more sympathetic still, but also extremely evil. Also hot and sympathetic enough that I wish he wasn't evil, but he's undeniably villainous