7 / 14
Oct 2019

I have over a thousand characters (many of them just names, only about two hundred of them are well developed) and thought I might share how I come up with so many names.

Note: This will be mainly helpful for scifi and/or fantasy creators.

Method 1: Thesaurus oh Thesaurus

Sometimes I take a normal name like Ryan (or an obscure name like Rake) and then think of a word such as but not limited to an energy or a material. In this example, I will use the material iron. Then, I will add another word to this to make the last name. In this example, I will use hammer. Sometimes it helps to take letters out or add them to make the name seem more real.

Meet Ryan Ironhammer

Method 2: AEIOU and Word Roots

Typing in random spam can get you places you never thought. For example: opqvjqrm
We're going to turn that into a name. How? Let's take out some (but not all) non-vowels. Ovqrm. Now, let's add a few (possibly taking out more non-vowels in the process). Overquim. It can also help to look up word roots to throw in the mix. In this case, we can use the root min (meaning: less) to replace quim with. Overmin.
Some other names I came up with using this method are Avilscure, Yordinond, and Fetenon. This method usually produces more obscure words or names. This method is also excellent with place names.

Method 3: It's 5AM and my boyfriend won't stop texting me.

This is a less recommended method, but I've come up with some of my coolest names when I'm really tired and texting my friends. I h a t e autocorrect, so I'm prone to making typos. My novel was even named Cosmonogic because of a typo I later grew attached to (real word, Cosmogonic). I'm only referencing this method, because tonight I accidentally called my boyfriend Matru via text (his name is Matty). Now Matru has joined my character list as Matru Scarcin!

What do you think? Do you have any methods you use to name your characters?

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    Oct '19
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    Oct '19
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Thanks for sharing.

Me I have the tent to just name A character for what it is.

I have a Blue man and his name is Blue.

In my Boy Love comic the two boys are called: Boy and Love.

In another script I’m working on there is a withe king named ”White King” and an Arab prince called Amir (Arab for prince)

When you're uninspired and/or have poor imagination for names, then it sure helps :joy:

I do the consonant method a lot. But I actually choose the consonants, I don't type them randomly.
I find a combination of 3-5 consonnants I like and fill in vowels as I find the most euphonic and fitting to the character personality.

I then check if the name exists (often it does! It's difficult to find a letter combination that does not exist as a name in some language/region, unless the name is very long) and decide if I want to keep it like that or alter it a bit so it's not anymore a real name.

But sometimes, I also go from a name that exists and change it a bit so it sounds like if it was pronounced in an other language.

Sometimes I take existing names directly.

Sometimes I name some characters in relation to how others are named. For example I have in my comic a Hlaluu and a Leelah, I love the alliteration/assonance combination. (By the way, these two are a good exemple of already existing names, one fictional, one real).

Honestly I'm really bad with naming my characters so I like to ask my friends for suggestions, or I make a brainstorming session with them lol

But yeah... I use sites for baby names/name meanings/name generators a lot lol

Aditionally, if you're doing fantasy names--

Duck comes from the old english word Ducan supposedly. Ducan sounds like Toucan. Toucan comes from the Tupi word Tukana. Sorcerer comes from the old french Sorcier. Time to name my newest OC Tukorcier. (not really)

There are so many good tips here that I'm gonna steal

My most creative names usually come from simply 'subtracting' from existing words. For example, I had an alien team in a recent comic and I couldn't come up with anything to call them (I initially wanted to name them after viruses...which was some of the grossest name research I've ever done). Fortunately, one day a name popped into my head: Syncra, from 'idiosyncrasy'. Then I had to come up with a matching name...it took me a while, but I finally came up with Fedra, from 'fedora', if you can believe it. ^^

Once I did a whole series of names that were subtractions of existing names:
Zabeth (Elizabeth)
Chelange (Michelangelo)
Ximili (Maximilian)
Acquel (Jacqueline)
Wyne (Gwyneth)

That was a pretty cool naming experiment~. (BTW, if you want to steal those, it's fine. They're just supposed to be in-story video game characters from a thing I'm not really actively working on. Besides, I recently found out that Zabeth isn't as original as I thought it was...)

...The Bible. XD

To be specific, biblical figures.

No, seriously. You get names like James and Philip and Thomas, and you also get Caiaphas and Alphaeus and Eliezer.

Delilah, Ephraim, Esther, Eunice, Apphia, Atarah, Athaliah, Bathsheba, Bilhah, Jedidah, Hillel, Thaddeus, Adoniram...

Man the bible has some awesome names!