88 / 107
Apr 2018

Yes, the front page of the app only on smart phones. Just as Laht has provided a screen shot previously.

How do you know the rising star section is based on readers voting? and how do they even vote? This looks to me just like another pretense for webtoon to control what comic they want to appear.

I tried to look to see if there is any update for my app but still nothing. I will check back tomorrow to see if my app will update or not.

I was mentioning the Indo Webtoon's Rising Star section16. That was what came to mind when I heard "Rising Star." It works base on popularity and the winner of Rising Star is decided base on popularity vote. That's as much as I can understand from it. As far as I know, English Webtoon does not have a Rising Star section so I'm quite curious where this new section is coming from (and why).

From what I see, those at the 'Staff Pick' are from previously promoted comics. The 'Rising Star' are those from Fresh picks. And the Hot Today are just the popular top ones.

(Sorry on the screenshots I crossed out my webtoon username)
At first, those new changes didn't appear on my phone, my friend told me about it and i had to manually update the webtoon app for it to show those changes.And guess what? about 90% of those comics are the same ones already appearing a lot in their recommended, weekly round up, and fresh pick. Now they can appear everywhere and get shoved down our throats even more.

There's no escape now, webtoon wants their favorited comics appearing on everyone personal front page
They personally recommended to me on my personal front page the same comics they pushed to top, comics I'm getting tired of seeing nonstop for over a year. They even recommend to me stuffs that has nothing to do with my browsing history. At least youtube recommends to you based on your browsing history, but webtoon recommends personally to you based on what they like. very dumb if you ask me.

And they were doing so good, recommending a lot of less known titles... I think they fired the intern who dare to give spotlight to not favorite titles and got back to the usual trend

yeah, and I bet they chose their top few favorite comics on discover that they like and only program those to appear in everyone's recommendation, they might throw 1 or 2 random to cover up as usual. You'll never see any other titles, always the same ones, it's been so for over a year. honestly, I don;t go to the discover section much anymore because they always put their same elite comics everywhere and I was tired of them pushing these down my throat. I thought that at least i have my personal front page with only the comics i subscribe to, less stress ya know. But hey, not anymore, webtoon's even gonna invade and control everyone's personal front page now and personally recommend to each of us! Their ways are shitty.

Yeah, this is really invasive and just another way to puah their agenda. No, thanks. My app dont have this version and I prefer it like this.

We were recently featured on the homepage, they only kept us up there for 2 days :angry:
Nonetheless i was happy because we were able to get nearly 2k new subscribers and 21k views in that short amount of time.

After saying a few comments back that I was worried about ever being featured LW featured me on Discover at the bottom and it's been really good! I've got a lot of positive comments and ratings and it's given me a nice boost.

I think Tapas has the same problem that the comics in the premium section are always in popular, and if you're not a new comic the only way you'll be on the front page is through trending. I totally understand why they need to promote premium comics but the best way for us to get reliable weekly readers is to have our comics promoted on site. When I launched I got a ton of views through social media but barely anyone had an account so I got very few subs which means I need to remind people I'm still posting. I know with webcomics you're in it for the long haul, but anything to increase my visibility!

Congrats @darthkrievos and @craftymarten for the feat.! At least webtoons seems to be more rotative, so many are getting a chance to increase their stats! About tapas... at least the algorithm somehow favors old comics, with more than 50, 100 episodes! I notice they get more time on front page and I, when I reached 3k subs, started to be there on popular, too! It fades away really quickly, but helps a lot! T-T Webtoons in other hand, favors fresh, new titles (webtoons you pedo xD), what makes good stories which arent always being promoted end up getting buried after somethimg like 30 episodes...

Congrats @Samuraiflame for being on the new Recommended roundup. My comic 'You and Me' lasted for 2 and a half weeks. Its nice while it lasted! :slight_smile: Hope it would be the same for you too.

omfg..... thank y o u
hahaha even if it's a day I'd be glad but whAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

So is bitching about who they feature the only way to get noticed?

Webtoons please notice me, I'd like to be promoted too please. I'll bitch if you need me to XD

Also congrats on the feature ^_^

Yeah I was pretty sure yours was there. But now that you mention it, its gone... Weird if you ask me.

well I'm glad to see some of you got on recommended or on other sections, you guys really deserve to appear on there.

6 months later
21 days later

Sorry, I know this is an old thread but just to update- I've been watching the recommended titles section since the webtoons contest 2018 began. Here's what I've seen: During the contest's first round they would feature comics randomly for about three days. After that round was over it took them about a month to change the recommended titles again, however, since then they have changed the titles about every week. I say "about" because its not 7 days exactly. Sometimes they update it in 8 or 9 days. The titles and genres they pick out to recommend seem pretty scattered and random but I did notice they featured one comic twice in a row. My comic "Enjoy the Show!" is currently a recommended title, it'll be interesting to see exactly how many days they leave it up! LOL