1 / 13
Feb 26

Asking for a friend. Oh, who am I kidding. They're not my friend.

  • 1-5
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  • 21-25
  • 25+


And it doesn't have to be a full page, just, if you go to the page count of your document, about how many pages is it? Personally mine stay in the 1-10 range leaning towards the middle at like 5, 6, or 7 pages. But I don't script chapters panel by panel; I more or less focus on the dialogue and action and the panel-by-panel work comes later.

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I don't really script them in any formatted way, but my thumbnail drafts are 1-2 pages with all the dialog and action written out for a 24-page chapter.

My weekly comics is 30 panels. The script format is outline/movie script style so one or two pages at max.

Misunderstood the question at first since I don't write in a word processor that typically shows page count, lol. Quickly converting them, looks like the average is between 10 and 20, because I write descriptions and dialogue for every panel.

As for what I originally assumed, since I draw in page format as opposed to scroll format, I've been averaging about 30 pages per chapter. So I guess that means about two comic pages per document page?

That's about the same for me too, about thirty pages for 5-7 pages of script. And since it's not panel by panel, you know it ends up shorter. Except this later chapter of mine, 7 page script, 54 page chapter... never again.

I'm currently at 35,709 words for books 1-4 which are about 70 comic pages each. This includes mainly dialogue, setting description with essential details to draw in the world, and stage directions. I have no idea how many pages that is but iirc the minimum requirement for a story to be called a novel is 50,000 words.

So yeah I've got a fat novella on my hands.

For Trespasser it is a followed:

  • Chapter 01's script was 19 pages with 114 comic pages.
  • Chapter 02's script was 16 pages with 116 comic pages
  • Chapter 03's script is 20 pages and is going to be 126 comic pages.
  • Chapter 04's script as of the latest revision sits at 18 pages, the amount of comic pages is tbd.
  • And Chapter 05 is wholely unknown atm, it's still just a detailed, scene by scene outline.

Note that I don't write panel by panel, that comes later in my process. I pretty much just write my scenes out in a sort of screenplay-novel hybrid style, focussing mostly on visual descriptors, the action going on and off course the dialoge.

These are all written in a regular A4 sized word doc

I go scripting process by panel not by number of pages so hard to tell...

Here's a script sample of mine...

Incel man is crying in his sleep
Incel: it's over.. I'm a 28 year old virgin and there's no way I'm ascending at all. It's so fucking over... all hope is gone...
(ascending = means to finally have sx in incel lingo)

Akala invades his dream
When I was 23, I still had hope of ascending but now I'm 28 it's officially over!!!
I just wish I don't wake up anymore there's no point in living!!!

She walks over to him
Akala: Hey, why so sad? Can I ask why you're crying? I'm here to talk to you. smiles warmly What's bothering you?

Incel: b... because it's over for me...

Akala: Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. Why do you feel like it's over for you?
sits down next to him
What happened that lead you to this point?
(Thoughts: s... she's way outta my league... absolutely gorgeous..

I really wanna know...
reaches out and touches their shoulder comfortingly, in a friendly way, and in a way that shows I'm not judging
Incel (thoughts): wow... she actually touched me... I wonder what a woman's hand feels like?!? But I shouldn't just hold her hand or that might be considered sexual harassment...

Script translated to comics...

Oh, I meant how many pages is the word document that you write each of your scripts in, not how many "pages" result from drawing from your script.

I make comics strips so my scripts for each episode are very short 3-6 lines long generally.

I don’t really worry about the length of my script because I know my main limit in my case is the number of panels I can produce per chapter. Also I write the script at the same time I do the storyboarding because I believe the visual aspect is just as important to the story. I then type the dialogue in a word editor to fine tune the writing. With a pretty simplistic formatting, it gives me roughly 1.5 to 2 pages for around 20 panels with lots of variation.

Aw man, I'm on page 81 and I'm only part way through the second act!
Ok, it's not that crazy, I'm more familiar with writing screenplays so I use that format to write the script. if anyone is familiar with them you probably know they are mostly dead space, so you can put plenty of notes and sketches in them. I'm also writing the script for the entire story before I do any work on the comic itself, (I want the audience to be surprised, not me.)
That being said, I still feel like I bit of more than I can chew, especially for my first go at this whole comic thing.

P.S. if anyone is looking for a light screenwriting software I can defiantly recommend Trebly. it's open source and doesn't use an annoying cloud service.