4 / 16
Dec 2018

So, I've asked many questions about panels before xD but forgot to ask the most important one. As a reader, how many panels per chapter/episode you're comfortable to read? Mine is around 50-70, and if it's more than 70 it gets overwhelming for me. xD

  • created

    Dec '18
  • last reply

    Dec '18
  • 15


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  • 30


I dont know about chapter. personally im happy reading what i need to read to get to the end of the story. I dont like pages that scroll on and on with digital comics. I try to aim for under 12 panels per page.

I'm awfully weird about this, I'll binge 5 episodes with 10 panels each, no problem.. but one episode with 50 panels sounds like an eternity to get through and I'd have to get myself in the mood to read that much even though it's literally the same amount.

For me it's about the same as you. I think around 50 is kinda equivalent to a comic book issue, and from what I've seen in featured webtoons it's usually enough to wrap an idea.
I just dislike single page updates, or updates that don't have a finished idea. It just feels pointless to read and I usually wait some time before I read them.

It doesnt matter as long as they are all enjoyable..!

Somewhere in the 30-50 panel range is my limit. Just like @ar-ninetysix , i might read more than that in a single sitting, but I like having check points frequently when reading webcomics so if I need to put it down I can find my place again easily. It's not as much as issue with print comics because I can just throw a physical bookmark in.

I agree with @ar-ninetysix and @Rhonder, if it's comic strip i'd be glad to read lots of chapters even if it's short. But for non comic strip they have usually in featured webtoon I look at the scroll icon. If it's too tiny, nah I don't want to read it, it feels so overwhelming, and I counted it's usually more than 70-ish panels xD

I don't really care about panels, but if an episode is longer than 3 or 4 pages I find it difficult to keep reading it. (I even think the same while looking at some of my older chapters)

My panels are usually short but if it's a topic that I really want to talk about then the panels are long. It depends on what point I'm trying to get across.

I mostly read a lot of comics/mangas in the usual page format, and often enough, those chapters are 20+ pages long. Because I'm so used to seeing a lot of those panels, I don't really care too much about reading too many panels.

Just as long as the story doesn't drag on and still keeps my attention, length isn't important to me. :blush:

My attention span is small when it comes to narratives, oddly enough :sweat_smile:

I like things to be about 20 panels for scrollers, or 3-4 pages.

I blame my busy work schedule lol

I do something between 12 and 24 panels....because I don't have enough RAM to run photoshop bigger than that :frowning: I guess my arm needs a break sometime too...the real trick is to make each update episodic, even when you have to break a larger sequence up.

It honestly doesn't matter as long as the panels shapes are switched up and there's interesting stuff going on. I can NOT read rows and rows of tiny squares with tiny characters in them no matter how hard I try :confused:

I find myself fatigued by the webtoon scrolling format. Something about it just doesn't work for me. However, with standard page format, I do enjoy reading page-by-page or a good burst of like 5-6 pages. So, about 25-30 panels?

I'd say 15 to 20 is a good number for me. Not too much, not too little.

As many as an author will throw at me. I'm not picky at all, but I'd say that as many as an author can make to bring a cohesive chapter.