7 / 7
Nov 2018

I have just noticed in my dashboard that the word count of a chapter is now visible! :smile: This might be helpful to keep track of how many words you have written.

So... How many words your average chapters contain? :slight_smile: Mine is around 1.8 k (not counting the prologue), with the later chapters tend to be longer than the earlier one. Also what is your basis in deciding how many words a chapter? Is it planned carefully or just go with the flow?

  • created

    Nov '18
  • last reply

    Nov '18
  • 6


  • 1.2k


  • 5


  • 11


Not sure about the average per chapter, but I just found out my longest-running story currently has 51.1K words :astonished: How did this happen? lmao this is the most I've ever written for a single project ever ha ha

I typically go with the flow and stop where it feels right, but try to keep my chapter lengths relatively uniform. I'll write a little more for important bits, and a little less if it feels wrong to add more. I like this new feature, I had been wondering how much I had written!

Wow! That's a lot and can be a whole NaNoWriMo :slight_smile: must be proud of an achievement! My unfinished story (just one for now) only counts 22k

Yeah, with new feature I realized my story has advanced further than my last attempt to do it it's kinda motivating. Considering I'm not a much of a writer and everything's falling apart

I know what you mean! I feel like each first draft I complete is longer than the last, and I find it motivating as well. I like seeing growth! For chapter length, it depends. If I'm writing for tapas it's about 1k words. For other stuff, it's usually closer to 2k.

Planning wise, I just go with the flow. I don't really try for a specific word count, but it usually works out anyway. Once I get a feel for how long a chapter should be it becomes almost subconscious for me to write that much.

I really like the bite-sized format. The character limit isn't too short either though, so it really allows for chapters of varying lengths depending. I do agree though, when I'm not writing for Tapas my chapters tend to be much much longer, around the 5-7k mark.

Hi there ^^
I see team tapas really gotten their heads in work with these new updates :smiley: Which are really nice.
As for word count I try to keep my chapters around 1k word count, which can be tiring sometimes as my original work is not cut into chapters at all XD And I was having same thoughts around about NaNoWriMo when I realised tha my curently published series all in all around 49k. And it was more than half years work or so (unpublished included). Hell...
But good luck for everybody else who are aiming for it.

@kainatarma word count doesn't mean quality so keep going! :smiley:

Most of the time my word counts per chapter tend to be 2-4K, but I’ve since lowered them / cut in half for Tapas.