39 / 54
Oct 2020

Oh damn, yeah my brother had one of those, it was pretty awesome!

Omg, yes, I used to have a ton of jeans like that :'D one of them actually ended up being soaked not in water, but in some disgusting black goo I somehow picked up on the ship to Sicily during a school trip XD good times indeed :joy:

I am 25! But people think I'm still 14 sometimes because of my voice and appearance. (Some people tell me to see this as a blessing but I'm just like, instead of "I ain't old" it's "I ain't young" lmao! I want to look my age by physically I'm a runt! xxD)

I look the size of a highschooler, but deep inside I am a 13 year old giant who keeps on getting asking if I am on a basketball team everytime I meet someone T^T .

same. I just turned 28 and I can barely pass as an 18 y/o. but I keep telling myself that if I turn 40 I still look like a 30 y/o or younger. Life of being short and thin.

I make fun of my mom for being old being like 34 and now I feel kinda guilty but have kids puts on an exact 10 years I guess, (sorry mommy )

Welp, guess I'm going to go cry into my avocado toast lol (am 34).

Huh. It's not at all surprising to me that 20's is the majority group, but much to the OP's point I'm kinda surprised at how few teens there are (in the sample size that filled out the survey, at least). I would have expected that number to be quite a bit higher :thinking:

Potentially true! It also gets me thinking about how forums in general aren't nearly as popular nowadays as they used to be, even "back in my day" (I say as a practically ancient 26 y.o. :smirk: ) I remember when I was first getting acquainted to the internet in the mid-2000's that forums were totally the shit. If a site had them you were there, and a lot of people would even make their own with those free forum builder websites.

I feel like with the rise of social media forums have become a less popular option for the next generation (outside of mega popular outliers like Reddit). May or may not actually be true, just a shower thought :joy:

My kind has terrible tastes they don't know good sh*t (pardon my language) if it hit them in the face. Kinda sad, I have no one around my age to properly talk to about the finer things in life. :sob:

But I find most people my age kind annoying, all they do is be annoying, I have caught literal 13 year olds making out by the batheroom at my school, so I am concered.

25 but always and forever a child (๑✧◡✧๑)

This site has a older demographic and I am pleasantly surprised. Very unlike some of the fandom discords I am apart of lol

I always looked young for my age, when I was 18 girls thought I was way younger and it was really annoying for me. Some people treat you like an alien and yell at you that they can´t believe it. It sucks and I think especially for a man. When you are 18 and the girls think that you are 15 then that means that you don´t have a chance with them. Or when you are 27 and woman think that you are 18 then it gets really hard to date women your age. Now I´m 45 and I still don´t look my age but nowadays I´m happy with that because people my age often look REALLY old to me. It´s still weird when you are dating because some people almost look like grannies and then I ask how old they are and they are younger than me