27 / 27
May 2024

My mom knows that I work on commission, she is so kind that she even gives me feedback on what I draw 🤣:smile::heart:️, but definitely the people who know about my novel and my comic are my big sister and a very close friend.

What's more, my friend asked me to draw her doggos.

Family does know I make a living out of this, that doesn't mean they read my stuff.
They also know I do NSFW and such. But since they aren't interested its not talked much

The only one who I know saves my public drawings is my dad, he has a folder on his PC.

I told my brother but I don't think he read much of it.

I have told some people I met but they have never got back to me if they actually read it. I think people like the novelty of webcomic creators but may not actually be the type of person who read webcomics.

My friends/family know about my books, but most have been warned not to read the first one because it gets pretty intimate, and that intimacy is described in detail.

Some do and some don't. No one actually asked to see it except one guy who only got interested after he saw how many subscribers I had. I don't really care since most of these people wouldn't like this type of story anyway. shrugs A few of the comic artists I met in real life had read it though, and they liked it so that's cool.

My family knows that I draw comic, but only my little brother reads it whenever I update.

My family definitely knows that I draw and some of them definitely know I made a comic. They just would hope I made my comic faster cause they wanna see how it'll end. I kept telling them it'll end when it ends. Lol

They know about it, but I don't think any have read my novel. To be fair, it's longer than Dune, so I can't blame 'em. :joy:

They know. My mom checks the comic every once in a while. Some friends keep up on it, but most do not. It makes me a little sad that my friend which I always talk comics and manga with hasn’t even touched mine and some how avoids the conversation every time I bring it up, but always is showing me a new comic he is reading 🥲 I asked him the other week if he had even read the first chapter which he said no to.. oh well

I won a german comic contest a while ago and the comic got printed.
My mum helped me with the dialogue and character names and my father did some of the lettering
because he has a beautiful hand writing. They are over 80 and I´m really happy
that they did that

Yes, And they enjoy all the comics/novels I have been creating since 1991. :grinning:

Honestly, my friends and family know about it. The first one I did had been like in 2021. It was successful so it caught a lot of attention. It was halted. A new comic of mine and the team I amazing work with didnt come out till this year. My friends and family know about it but they are not paying attention to it like the last one 🥲.

Of course.

And I take their, "That's nice, dear. Why isn't it in colour?" lukewarm response as representative of what my hard work will get if and when I start posting for the other normies