1 / 33
May 2024

Did you make it yourself? Did you hire an artist? If so, shout them out.

I made the cover for "Damsel in the Red Dress" myself with acrylic paint and Canva and though it constantly makes people think of a murder mystery, I still really like it. One of my little sisters pointed out that the paint splotch looks like a heart, so I took the photo from the angle that showed that off the best and then added my lettering in Canva.

I made the cover for "Rigamarole" myself with Canva too, but I don't like it as much. I so want to remake it cuz there weren't enough letter settings that looked 'drippy' (only one, and it looked super creepy.) The goal was to give the vibe of runny mascara, but I ended up with no better option than a black splotch. Maybe another time when I have a better way to emulate that.

(the released chapters of Rigamarole are all free for everyone as public posts)

  • created

    May '24
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    May '24
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I draw all my own covers on Tapas. It's actually one of the reasons I've improved my art, I wanted to be able to make covers the way I envision them and I don't really like doing photo manip covers. Plus now I can make concept art and little extra doodles for readers.

what is that?

this is definitely cool and something i'd love to do in the future.

Photo manipulation, so like photoshopping a cover from different pictures. Honestly, one of the best things is doing little bonus art for holidays or announcements and concept art just makes visualizing things easier.

Ahh, okay. And yeah, I think everyone likes bonus art no matter what series they're reading

lol, yeah, don't burn yourself out. one step at a time

I draw my covers myself~! I used to make comics but I don't have time anymore, so I enjoy making the cover art for my stories at the very least.

My covers are made using Canva and although I'd love to redo them at some point, they will have to do for now. I have little artistic talent to speak of, but who knows maybe one day I'll be able to draw a decent cover

I can draw pretty well in a niche. unfortunately none of my covers require psychedelic combinations of animals and plants so I'm useless

at least you can draw animals... I can reasonably paint the occasional house if I get the perspective right and the surrounding plants, but otherwise... it's not great :sweat_smile:

All covers are drawn by me. I used to draw back when I was in middle and high school but I stopped because I got bullied for it. Drawing and loving anime at the time was frowned upon and anyone who loved it got bullied. I started drawing again about a year and a half ago because I can't afford a professional artist so I'm doing it myself for now.

But anyway, I drew this when I was getting back into art. I was getting used to digital drawing and was having fun in Procreate. I couldn't decide what to do for my haiku collection's cover so I used this. It was meant to be a temporary cover, but it's not. It's been the cover forever and I don't have plans on changing it. The text is from Canva because I just thought it was cool. :joy:

As for my fantasy story's cover, I drew all the characters myself. It's not the best (I know), but it's going to have to do for now until I can come up with something better. :sweat_01:

mostly just birds and fish for me, occasionally arthropods. I can do some mammals but they take much longer and are about a fifty fifty failure to success rate I think.

Basically I can draw a mean squirrel and an absolutely awful chihuahua

Flowers are my primary strength and I just really enjoy drawing pretty, chubby fashion girls

hey, everything is a process, what matters is that we get back into it and don't let what other people think about our interests stop us

Yup! I've been drawing more now and my YouTube feed is now filled with art tutorials. I didn't plan on getting back into art, but I'm glad that me being broke and needing covers for my stuff forced me back into it. :rofl: