1 / 59
Nov 2021

From: https://tapas.io/newsfeed/2026

Wow! This Inksgiving is really a big succes! We reach twice our goals! I am so proud of the enthusiasm of our community! I wonder will Tapas give more of the rewards.

The ink that we donated to each other in an event to support community creators will be returned as bonus ink which can only be used to unlock premium series? Am I reading this correct? Wow! Such a great reward for the community, as everyone on Tapas would surely appreciate it :heart:️

(Edit: please be a miscommunication)

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There are 58 replies with an estimated read time of 8 minutes.

I assume it would be the bonus ink since the support buttons are all locked now?

So it wasn't a community event like previous years, we were pre paying for premium stuff.

By that I mean all the support buttons for non creators were unlocked during Inksgiving, so you can give ink to them. But since the event is over, you can only send ink to those who have ink support available (comic creators or writers).

I have no idea about non creators with support unlocked but regardless, why is that a reason to change the ink that is returned? There are plenty of community creators with support unlocked.

For events, tapas usually returns ink through bonus ink and not support ink regardless if its creator or reader. I won 1st in the pride contest and got a ton of bonus ink, but since I couldn't use it as revenue, it was pretty much useless to me (except for being able to give it to other creators). I would be surprised if they actually gave ink through support since it would be a lot more complicated too.

Yet another backstabbing from Tapas!
The ONLY reason I gave ink this Inksgiving, is to continue supporting community artists I like, with the knowledge that I will get back some of the ink, as usual, which, with other ink, will go to support artists I LIKE next Inksgiving.
I would NEVER have been part of this Inkgiving if I had known they would change the rules going on for years. I'm not sure whether this change was posted somewhere before Inksgiving, but in any case, it was clearly not well publicized.
I know some will say Tapas does not have to do the ink give back. Yes, but they did for several Inksgiving, and people participation to the event depends on what the event promises. This year, we did participate to an event on a false promise, and Tapas has the audacity to make it like we get an extra gift (of 5% of ink that is USELESS to many of us). 0% ink instead of 20% is not a very good gift...

Now, I'm forced by Tapas to let the ink expire, or support artists I don't particularly like.
I don't hate premium artists as individuals. Obviously not. I could use the bonus ink to support them even if I don't particularly like what they do. But I will not, because I refuse to be part of the problem. I refuse to help Tapas disrespecting us again, again and again.

"We'd strongly prefer if readers and community creators do not spend ink on community creators". Here. Was that so difficult to express? Not nice? Well, this is exactly what giving us bonus ink means.

I'm looking at the discussion on discord happenning at this moment on this subject and the single person claiming they've stated that it'll be with bonus ink has yet to find proof
Someone found something suggesting otherwise

The fact that it's difficult to find is enough proof, to me, that it is dishonest. When you do such a big change that changes the whole meaning and purpose of the event, you have to communicate LOUDLY about it...

Also, a ton of mixed messages to be fair. I remembered that early it was bonus ink, somewhere, but then later they said it was regular ink. I guess we'll know in mid-December which it is

Because surely that's the way to communicate this kind of information. Not on the official information sent through the website, but on a file on an assets folder filled with many other files people maybe or may not check because it's, well, an assets folder :+1:

Will I be able to give this ink to indie creators or just the premium comics/novels?

If they really give it in bonus ink, no, that's for premium stuff only

"small print.......the beacon of transparency and trustworthyness"

It saddens me to see how low has Tapas fallen........

Having so much issues right now with ink (cant even access anything).
I hate this ink system. Its comes across as a scam. If ink is ink why cant I give my bonus ink to others.
I have to buy ink to support so Tapas gets a percentage. And am I reading right it now comes back as bonus ink?
I prefer to support with a system like KO-FI or Patreon (as much as I dont like them either)
At least the creators get something to help them create.
Ink has no value outside Tapas. none. nada.

and that was my first inksgiving i participated. I wanted to get actual inks back, but not as bonus ink!