3 / 14
May 2023

Haha! Honestly, me too.
But they only wish to promote their works, so I suppose to let them be. :smile:

I just wish people wouldn´t start new promotion topics in the other categories

I have to laugh whenever somebody starts a new thread with a title like "Here's a new promotion thread to get seen!" or "Promoted in all the other promo threads? Here's another!" because it's having your advert seen by the same people, in the same place, at the same time. It's like you've put a bunch of the same poster for your show on a wall... and then instead of going to another part of town to put one on a different wall... you put another one on the same wall! I just... :sweat_01:

If some of these people spent the same time they spend spamming thirty promo threads in a row every day learning graphic design (there are so many free resources you can find with a google search or at the library) or improving their art to make better looking stuff, or researching other places or ways they could more effectively promote on social media, they might actually get somewhere. It's infuriating!

I think the main reason they do it is bc this way their comic/novel is at the top of the pile and everybody sees it first while promoting theirs. I've done it for a while bc why the heck not but yeah you just realise at some point that it is kinda pointless if you keep doing it the same way in the same place like you all explained it so well.
Oh, and did you read my comic? I'll send you the link in three different languages lol just kidding, no offense to people promoting I'm cheering for you girls, guys and nonbinary pals lmao

When I was thinking about it, while the covert promo threads and the threads where new people just spam their links everywhere ARE annoying. I think they're mostly harmless. I joined Tapas as an alternative to Wattpad. The thought of ad revenue and tipping was exciting, but then I realized how hard it was to make any money that way. There are also very few novels that made it to premium, so making money that way wasn't a good idea to me either. Eventually they will figure out what they want to do with their series, but by that time, there will be a new batch of newbies ready to promote.

I don’t want to hide the promo section, but the thread spamming is driving me up the wall lately. :see_no_evil:

Edit: Nope. That's it. Muted it. :sweat_02:

:joy: Very true. I actually run away from those threads lol. Nothing for me there.

It's sad because every now and again a geniunely interesting promo thread comes along. And people should be able to promote their work, but nothing that has been done has been able to get a grip on the drop a link and run type posters or make a new thread every five minutes people. Like, honestly, there needs to be a "how to effectively use the forums to promo" type thread because I've found geniuely good pieces here, but it's never on the "shameless promo" or "here's another promo" or "sub4sub" type threads. And while I always find it amusing to see the same user icon having spam posted 20+ promo threads one after another n five minutes thinking that's helpful, it ruins what could be a geniuely good promotional area. But, nothing Tapas has done so far as got a grip on it for very long, and short of making the promo section you can only post once a day or something similarly drastic it's just going to keep getting worse.