17 / 21
Mar 2022

When something seems impossible, just have faith and keep pushing toward your goal, no matter how slow, and you might do better/get closer to your goal than you think! Also take time to enjoy/appreciate the little things in life. :slight_smile:

Just don't eat the blue things that go in urinals and you'll probably be fine

I was going to give you a raccoon fact along with the human body, but you asked for advice.

Luckily, I got one just for you! Remember, to compost organic matter, place dirt on top, then water it! Don't be like me or my mom who puts dog crud on plants, hoping it supplements the plant.

Don't rip the tag off of the mattress or else every government in the world and on the Moon will be after you.

When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all

Ok, as I see the kind of advice that all of you give here, as we say in my country: "No de papaya", I mean, don't let your guard down.

"Just do it! sometimes our brains think of ways to discourage us. count from 1-10 and do it because anymore than that and you've already thought of a way that would prevent you from doing what you've sent on doing. for example: you want to get an interview(walk in + ur introverted) and u count pass 10 and u walk out of the room dont do that!"

-said by one of my senpais

when you win the lottery use the prize money to buy more lottery tickets

it will be nice if there is a person in my life, who able to fix me without finding the error

Flush the toilet.

When you eat with people and give them their plate, give them the plate with more food on it.

Always be nice to me

1 month later

closed Apr 13, '22

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