UM....this feels a bit weird because I have seen people do this in the past to attack BL series by posting random comics they haven't read in order to say why something was bad. Two people posing is a shorthand often used on romance novels to tell audience what it is about.
I feel like having a forum discussing tropes, like the over use of villianess and tyrants in premium comics and Tapas's choice to use those words when titling the English version of the comics. But when you start posting other people's covers and art without their consent in order to criticize them, that is where it gets a bit weird for me.
Like I mentioned I remember seeing people do this before on the forums where people would post a lot of random popular BLs and state they were "all the same" simply by judging the covers when some of the series thrown in were not really like the other at all and usually the people posting the images didn't read the comics. I also don't feel like the romantic pose is just a premium comic thing either. I have seen it from smaller creators and on romance novels you see in stores.
I dunno, I am just getting a bad vibe from all of this.
I don't think the point of this is to say that all of Tapas' series are identical. I'm sure the series that Tapas buys are plenty enjoyable, and have teams that work very hard on them. But what this thread proves very succinctly is that there are absolutely homogenous themes and art styles that run through Tapas' premium library. The fact that someone can make multiple shockingly large collages out of how many times they find the word "Villainess", or all the identical male leads on Tapas' front page is telling.
Tapas has a very distinct brand language. They have a very specific audience that they serve, and pretty much nobody else. The point isn't to disparage these premium creators, but rather to point out that Tapas serves only a single demographic, and that's it. For those of us who aren't interested in that content, or who are creating content outside of that very specific box, we're left feeling alienated. There are hundreds of vibrant, varied, and unique comics on the Tapas site, each with dedicated creators that work just as hard as premium studios, many with actual professionals behind them, but they will never ever rise to premium status on Tapas, because they don't fit within Tapas' incredibly strict brand identity.
@TedGravesArt This!!!! Thank you.
Not sure what bad vibes could even possibly have arisen from this without having some weird misunderstanding. but oh well. I sure can't help but see the Tapas favoritism issues and those are the only bad vibes I've ever really gotten here.
I don't think anyone is really understanding what I am trying to say because I feel the relies are twisting my words.
I have no issue with people taking about the tropes or content. But I am a little weirded out by using individual comics and artist as an example, seeing how the creators can't really give feed back or anything of why they draw the way they do. I just feel like I seen this slipper slope where someone did something similar and accused the comics from the coverart as being racist (that thread was a mess). it was never really a discussion of content, just not liking that art of the covers/thumbnail.
I think having an discussion about Tapas and what types international comics they choose to purchase and publish would be an interesting topic. I think cherry picking a bunch of random pictures, one that looks like a Wuxia and some that looks like office drama, some that look like fantasy, and some random BL and clumping them all together just seems weird. I just don't feel like it is very constructive when it comes to discussing the issues of premium comics on Tapas.
I think a better topic, like I mentioned before is that some of these covers are misleading and don't actually represent what the comic is about at all, from what I noticed from the Premium comics i did try to read.
Maybe because a lot of the premiums come from paid partnerships from non-English comics. I feel like I bring this up all the time but here is them mentioning it
I mean as someone who has been on Tapas for several years and have seen it's evolution. I am a bit annoyed about how Premium paid-partners comics have been given more attention then everyone else on the site. Tho I feel like Tapas has always played favorite. When I first joined the site, it was dominated by gag-a-day type series and now no one really talks about those. And even for a time people were complaining about the BL being the most popular series, and now I feel that discussion has died down.
That seems like a big leap from a joke about Tapas' brand language to canceler Karens. From what I've read, nobody's saying anything like that here, it seemed like good-natured joking to me. I haven't read any posts attacking specific writers or artists, just the fact that Tapas has a million of the same kind of comics. Again, that's joking about Tapas, not the comic teams.
I feel like you're thinking of premium comics and Tapas as the same entity here. Tapas and comic creators are very different entities with different agendas, and this is my point. These comic teams control their own individual comics, not all of the premium comics. Tapas selects these comics and compiles them all in one place. The joke about the content being homogenous is about Tapas continually selecting the same types of comics to make premium, not a jab at the quality of the premium comics or their creators. The comic creators are our peers, and are completely different than Tapas as a commercial entity.
I think this thread is just a joke about Tapas' weirdly consistent brand identity man. I haven't seen people throw hate at the comic creators.
Also, I think we all understand why Tapas continually selects these kinds of comics, and it's because first and foremost Tapas is a company, and their goal is to make money. These kinds of comics are what sells. They found a popular niche and they're hammering on it. That's good business. It's just too bad that they're excluding all of the other types of comics. One of the first rules of investing is to diversify, and judging by the size of the collages in this thread, I don't think they're doing that.