10 / 19
Mar 21

"For those who subscribe to novels through forum threads, do you actually read them, or is it just to gain subscribers?"

  • 1️⃣ Yes, I read them! :book:
  • 2️⃣ Sometimes, if it interests me. :thinking:
  • 3️⃣ No, I just subscribe for support. :arrows_counterclockwise:
  • 4️⃣ I rarely check them after subscribing. :eyes:


Votes are public.

Hear me out, I forget things easily. If someone request me to do something, I will literally forget it. Reading things that are serialized are hard for me to do. I like reading things that is complete. I don't particularly like waiting, the last time I did that I didn't know it had been completed and already had a sequel. So, when I ever sub anyone's work, I might be waiting for it to be completed... or I forgot to read the work.

Let me ask you a question. If you have more than a certain number of subscribers, would that really satisfy you? Numbers isn't everything, you know. There is no different between having 10 subscribers or having 1,000 subscribers. If you want to go into the publishing industry or be successful in anything, this isn't the right place. There are only so many people here, eventually your numbers will be stagnant, and you'll start wondering why the numbers aren't going up anymore. Just know, that is your own undoing, most people here are creators.

I only subscribe when I read and when I interact with the person in the forum

Every time I stumble upon Novel or Comic that seems interesting to me, I'll read first few episodes and if I like them only then I subsribe to the series.

I would never subsribe before even reading first few episodes rarely I would read only one episode and give up because you can't judge series by only the first episode.

So try it bro I can bet on my novel if like pls comment on the particular chp

I only subscribe to books i'm actually interested in reading/am already reading.

I subscribe to people but don't always have the time to read at that moment. It's more like a reading list. Thus, I read the ones I can and save the rest for when I have the time to(usually 2 weeks to 6 months in the future depending). I do get to them all eventually but I don't think I can say I read every one that I've subscribed to yet.

When I do get to it though, I give it the 3 chapter test to see if I like it and want to keep reading.

Does make a difference here on Tapas when the Milestones are set at 25, 100, 250, 500 to unlock features.

Were Tapas to drop that and allow the community creators have their work displayed among their main market line of comics and novels as it was before 2022 to reach actual readers, then we'd not need to sub to stuff we don't care for just to get a sub back.

I subscribe but it doesn't necessarily mean I'm gonna read it right now. It will go into the queue, and once I've caught up with or finished another novel I will start a new one. If I'm subscribed to yours you'll know when I start reading because I tend to binge a half dozen or more episodes at a time, and you'll see a block of "likes" from me (and often comments, too!). I uses "likes" like bookmarks, so I can pick up where I left off.

You think sub for sub is the cheat code to success? Nothing is as easy as walking on a straight line. You want to work really hard just to get subscribers who also don't care about your work? That's kind of depressing, honestly. I'd rather not have any subs than have a lot of subs that won't take me anywhere. Viewership and engagement matters, but you know what matters the most? Money. If you aren't making any then Tapas and any other cooperations won't bother.

I always read the sub4sub comics. I can't read the novels. I don't have the available time to follow dozens of novels. I'll still make sure to give it a view/like though.

Re-read and understand the post I made - Tapas requires creators to have certain 'numbers' (which you think don't matter) to qualify for benefits, leaving us no other means to get them quickly other than sub for sub to gain some traction before the we get the exposure to regular readers.

If you're happy with the six subs who care about your work then more power to you.

I never said readers don't matter, I said the number of subscribers doesn't matter. Subscribers don't always equate to readers.

Which part of my post says 'you said readers',

Tapas requires creators to have certain 'numbers' (which you think don't matter) to qualify for benefits,

You really don't read a post right, do you?

The numbers Tapas sets for unlocking benefits is subscribers (which according to you doesn't matter.)

I reiterate, had Tapas no such stipulations, no creator here would be looking for sub to sub.

I try to read them whenever I can, I tend to be very busy(Bad at time management), but I've been making commitments to reading more stuff