105 / 109
Feb 2018

The point of this topic is the reaction most people get when they say "I make comics"

It's not a question on why you make comics. It's a question of "what kind of reaction do you get when you say "I make comics"?" More of a conversation starter :blush:

have you tried to show them Maus by any chance? that would definitely be a shocker XD

oooh try showing them Happy! too, it would be fun to show them something that weird/gore and heartfelt XD

To be completely honest, I have started saying Graphic Novel instead of comics. As comics can be any gag comic and I want to be known for something less comedy and more art work, it has more respect :slight_smile:

Altough gag comics are huge and reach millions of people, nothing bad with a gag comic, clarifying

People get impressed when showing them, they're like "how do you do this?" And I'm like "In the computer" and it's quite cool ^^

If I say comics instead of graphic novel I get that response @dawgofdawgness showed XD

reminds me of how people don't take "video-games" seriously but do take seriously "Interactive media" XD

I can relate to this! I often show my mom the work I've done with my tablet and on my laptop with the mouse. And she is always impressed XD

It's so cute how they support us <3

Yep, usually more adult people react like that!

I actually had a discussion with a know it all 14 year old who knew that games were not stories.
I nearly exploded in how ignorant some people can be. Eventually I just decided to not go along with the lower IQ and just walk away...
Just smile and wave boys.... just smile and wave....

Same here lolololl. Most of them are not into webcomics or just comics in general. It's the same pattern with anime/manga too. Only my two otaku friends get a response with what I'm saying, others are just like ._. ok.

To be honest, is so ignorant... It's like my friends are into shows I don't like but it's not like I treat those shows as If they're...lower quality or something, like I respect their taste even If I don't understand it.

Even If I think their shows are dumb at least I recognize that those may be very well written and produced to pull people in

It's so annoying when they don't respect non average, non normie, non mainstream stuff just because they don't understand it or like how it looks.

Comic is not impressive for most people. I've seen friends that just react with a... interesting.... when I show them mi comic books (I mean the ones that I buy, not the one I'm doing). But to be fair, comics are art, not everyone will aprecciate the work and meaning ir has for the person who does it.

9 days later

But it's just a hobby. I don't understand why anyone cares what someone thinks. People here are not doing this for a living. I have lots of hobbies and I couldn't care less what people think about them.

4 months later

For me it's usually "I make comics!"

"For batman?"

They always think superheroes lol. It's not always easy to explain the great expanse in genre and style these days. But at least people tend to think it's cool anyway? I get surprised reactions but after they saw my stuff they were generally open to the idea of indie comics. Flattered people thought I worked for marvel or dc though, lmao.

Probably an adbot however the way their post was phrased makes it hard to determine for sure.

Edit: nevermind, saw that the member had engaged sortof in another discussion