88 / 109
Feb 2018

Ya just need to get them interested about the story.

Don't even say it's yours.

Then at the end of your big description, ask;"Do you wish someone drew it? Yes? Because I did."

Just change up your words~

Huh, it honestly pretty interesting hearing all these stories. I'm in a fairly non-artsy region but I almost always get positive feedback even before showing my stuff, especially to coworkers or new friend groups. Like they'll say, "What, really?? That's so cool!" Sometimes with a variant of, "Many people aren't able to make that work, so that's awesome." I wonder if some of it is due to the kinds of job people have here. They're mostly production, warehouse, call center, construction, that sort of thing. Lots of working class people. But instead of looking down on it, they like to see variety.

If anything, the least enthusiasm I get is from my family. And it's not that they're not supportive, they just don't really "get" it and don't ask for more info besides the general, "how's your comic going?"

I can only really remember one time when people didn't take me seriously or it was awkward. Oddly enough, it was at a friend's party with a lot of other nerds. I had just met this one guy and was exchanging basic pleasantries with him when I was like, "Oh, hang on, I think I have a business card." And handed it to him. He basically laughed in my face and was like, "LOL what?? Who carries business cards around? No thanks." I was really taken aback and was like, "Umm, okay..." and walked away. Way to be an ass.

The other one was another girl at the same party. I told her that I made manga because I figured it wouldn't be a loaded term around anime fans. She just kind of brushed me off though, which was whatever--but later when we friended each other facebook she was like, "OH MY GOD YOU WEREN'T KIDDING, YOU ACTUALLY DO! You're actually really good!!" Uhh, thanks for assuming I wasn't, I guess. XD;

I think Vincent is right though in that it really depends on how confident you are in what you're saying. They're not going to treat it like a joke or something shameful if you don't, at the very least it'll happen less.

Honestly, I don't even need to tell people I make comics. My little sister tells everyone instead! :joy:

That's like the reverse of how things go in my family. I tell the others that my little sister is an artist(not a comic artist, although she's talented enough to be).

I don't really understand the question. "I make comics for fun...for a living...for what?'

What is the question? I'm assuming you don't make your living off it so could you delve a little deeper into this topic? Thanks.

The point of this topic is the reaction most people get when they say "I make comics"

It's not a question on why you make comics. It's a question of "what kind of reaction do you get when you say "I make comics"?" More of a conversation starter :blush:

have you tried to show them Maus by any chance? that would definitely be a shocker XD

oooh try showing them Happy! too, it would be fun to show them something that weird/gore and heartfelt XD

To be completely honest, I have started saying Graphic Novel instead of comics. As comics can be any gag comic and I want to be known for something less comedy and more art work, it has more respect :slight_smile:

Altough gag comics are huge and reach millions of people, nothing bad with a gag comic, clarifying

People get impressed when showing them, they're like "how do you do this?" And I'm like "In the computer" and it's quite cool ^^

If I say comics instead of graphic novel I get that response @dawgofdawgness showed XD

reminds me of how people don't take "video-games" seriously but do take seriously "Interactive media" XD

I can relate to this! I often show my mom the work I've done with my tablet and on my laptop with the mouse. And she is always impressed XD

It's so cute how they support us <3

Yep, usually more adult people react like that!

I actually had a discussion with a know it all 14 year old who knew that games were not stories.
I nearly exploded in how ignorant some people can be. Eventually I just decided to not go along with the lower IQ and just walk away...
Just smile and wave boys.... just smile and wave....

Same here lolololl. Most of them are not into webcomics or just comics in general. It's the same pattern with anime/manga too. Only my two otaku friends get a response with what I'm saying, others are just like ._. ok.